Chapter 20

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When the four boys arrived at the venue, the sun was setting over the horizon, painting hues of pink, purple and orange. The colours licked the once blue sky, melting together. People were walking in the doors, arm in arm, excited for this event. Soft, classical music played from the doors, gradually becoming more prominent as they approached the grey doors of the venue. 

Izuku took a deep breath before Shinso opened the door. Shinso walked in, arm-in-arm with Kaminari. Izuku was freaking out internally. He grabbed Katsuki's hand and clenched his eyes shut. Katsuki didn't say a word, only squeezing Izuku's hand. He turned his head slightly to Izuku, who looked at him at the same time. Katsuki shot him a small smile, hoping it would calm him down, even slightly. Izuku returned it and let go of Katsuki's hand, and they walked into the party. 

Uraraka floated to them and squealed in excitement when she saw Izuku. She grabbed him in a huge hug, which the greenette returned with a laugh. "Izu," she said excitedly, "How are you?" 

"Good, thank you. Congratulations on the whole thing," Izuku said genuinely. She returned the sentiment with a large, beaming smile. "Thank you! We have to hang out again soon! Like in high school," she said in one breath, tucking in a piece of her brown her behind her ear. She then turned to Katsuki and hugged him, even though she didn't know him. Katsuki did not return the hug. 

"Did you two come together," Uraraka asked Izuku with a sly smile. She had a feeling that this was Izuku's soulmate, but she wasn't to say a word. Izuku blushed heavily and laughed at her comment. "Maybe," he replied with the same tone. She punched his arm and Izuku could already feel as though the two were returning to their best friend dynamic, which he was very grateful for. 

"Izu, Ura," came a voice from afar. The two turned to see Todoroki in a light jog to see them. "Todo," they yelled in unison, running to him as well. Katsuki stood there awkwardly, his friends yet to arrive. He could see the trio talking animatedly, sharing jokes. Katsuki just stared at the floor before clearing his throat awkwardly and walked to the bar. He grabbed a drink and sat at the stool, looking at Izuku from afar. He stirred his drink with his straw, looking at the floor once more. 

"Kat," Izuku said, suddenly close to Katsuki. Katsuki flinched and swore as some of his drink spilt on to his clothes. "Sorry," Izuku said sheepishly, grabbing a napkin and wiping Katsuki's shirt where his drink had spilt. Katsuki looked at Izuku in surprise and Izuku looked back up at Katsuki, a soft smile lighting on his face. Katsuki's breath caught in his throat as he appreciated Izuku even more. A light rosy-pink blossomed on their faces and Katsuki returned Izuku's smile with one of his own. Katsuki wanted nothing more at that moment than to kiss Izuku, but he had yet to even receive confirmation if Izuku wanted him or not. Instead, he opted for tucking a curl that had fallen in front of Izuku's face behind his ear. The two were stuck there, eyes locked, Izuku's hand on Katsuki's chest and Katsuki's hand cupping Izuku's face. 

The sound of a microphone screeching interrupted their moment, causing the two boys to jump. "Sorry," Izuku whispered sheepishly once more. Katsuki shook his head, saying it was fine and looked at the person who interrupted their moment. 

"Thank you for coming to celebrate with us," Iida said smiling from the stage. Uraraka had an arm wrapped around his and she was leaning slightly on his arm. "We really appreciate you all coming and we hope you have an amazing night," Uraraka continued. Cheers and applause broke out for the happy couple and Izuku couldn't help but join. He was truthfully happy for the couple and having Katsuki by his side wasn't that bad either. 

Izuku leaned into Katsuki, who wrapped an arm around Izuku. The lights were dimmed for the couple to go and dance, these ceremonies and events basically a wedding for the pro-soulmate world. Music hummed through the speakers, Jirou and her band singing at the mic. Uraraka and Iida swayed softly, and Izuku got more comfortable in Katsuki's arm. 

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