Prologue: You

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You are (M/N) Bakugou. The twin brother to Katsuki Bakugou. There are only 3 people who know that you have a quirk. Your mother, father, and best friend Izuku Midoriya. Yes, your twin believes that you are quirkless and treats you like complete and utter shit because of it.

Currently, you were sitting in the back of your class. You were in class 1A, in the back where no one can see you. Everyone just passed the entrance exam and let's just say, Katsuki was trying hard not to kill you.

To be honest, you didn't actually want to be a hero what so ever, but you didn't want your brother to be alone. Since Katsuki is your brother, you can read him better than anyone because your mother is the exact same. They are practically mirror images.

Then again, you practically mirror your father. Brown hair and 1 brown eye, the other is red. Your eyes will switch depending on if you're angry or not.

Just like your father, you sweat an acid-like substance that you can make explode. The quirk's name is Acid Explosion. Oh, and you also got a mutation in your quirk which allows you to turn your acid sweat in a healing tonic when you want to. The healing sweat can heal almost any injuries that have been obtained within 24 hours. So there's Acid Explosion and Acidic tonic. With the Acidic tonic one, you can't kill people with your healing tonic unless you are pissed at them.

You are patient, kind, and get along with anyone. You also love music, but you are determined just like your brother.

But here's a fun fact that no one knows: you're bi. Aka, you like both males and females and it's perfectly split. You are feminine, yet fierce and masculine.

You had scored second place during the entrance exam, getting more rescue points that actual battle points. Also, you know Izuku's secret about his quirk and the secret with All Might.

All Might had seen both you and Midoriya act to save your brother and said he could give half of his power to each one. You declined but trained with them anyways. One thing about you is that you know hand to hand combat, so as to not rely on your quirk so much. It was a safety precaution and you had learned to be quite fast on your feet from constantly dodging your brother's and mother's arguing/fights.

But that's beside the point. The point is, you're the opposite of Katsuki Bakugou in many ways than one, you pretend to be quirkless, and you make friends super easily. Chapter 1 is going to take place at the USJ, just because author-chan is lazy. And the class is now an odd number with you in it, just deal with this change. 

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