Chapter 1.5: Night after the Attack

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After we had gotten home from school, Mom was yelling and crying. She was so worried about us, mostly me.

"Leave me alone you old hag!" Katsuki yelled, glaring.

"Don't worry, mom! I made a new friend and he protected me and even helped All Might. And Katsuki was amazing as well!" I cheered, telling my parents about the incredible day.

Soon, it was almost 6 at night when father and I left to train. Masaru Bakugou, aka my father, is really the only person who trains me and knows the full extent of my quirk. Those who know that I have a quirk, don't know it to the full capacity.

Training is the only way that I get out all my anger and aggression from the day. Katsuki gets on my nerves, but I pretend like it doesn't bother me one bit. So he mostly ignores me or just doesn't bother me. It's like he doesn't know he has a twin anymore... I remember when he and I used to be extremely close.

"Are you ever going to use your quirk in public, (M/N)? I mean, you're strong without it, but its also extremely strong and it makes you, you. Who cares that Katsuki has a similar quirk. You just have to make it your own and prove to that brother of yours that you are just as powerful as he is." Dad said as I panted.

I looked up at the sky. "I'm not using my quirk until I need to. Only when there is no other option available. I shall not give up, or quit for I like my family am relentless and shall not lose!" I yelled while practicing. At the end of the training session, I healed my father, apologizing profusely about causing him harm.

Little did I know that it would take a training camp for me to finally use my quirk...

A/N: A short chapter so you guys can see some of the relations that you, as Bakugou's twin, have with your family. You are closer to your father than anyone one else and refuse to let people in.  

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