Chapter 16: The League

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-Shigaraki's POV; LoV-

It's strange to have someone who seems useless, but they're stronger then their brother. When will he look at us? I don't think the ground is THAT interesting... Oh shit! He's looking at me.




I take it back, he's giving me a look of helplessness. Is this how heroes feel when they're helping someone? This sucks ass... But even though it does suck, I ain't setting him free!

"Why'd you pick me?" He asked after a moment, hanging his head down again.

"Why? Because you're strong and we want you to join us to help us take down your classmates and the top 10 heroes." I explained calmly as our ideals weren't exactly secret.

"Aren't you tired of being looked down upon? Tired of all the rules and regulations you have to follow? We would allow you that freedom you crave. We wouldn't even make you kill anyone. All we want you to do is to gather information about your classmates and get their weaknesses. If you can get things about pro heroes as well, then that's a bonus." I spoke with a wicked smile on my face, scratching my neck out of habit.

"What would happen if I were to decline?" He asked, still looking at the ground.

Dabi stepped in at the question. "Then we torture and kill you. Or you get rescued like your ungrateful brother."

You could see him contemplating his choices. It's painfully obvious that he's very self conscious of a lot of things. When he looked up next, he had a look of determination in his eyes that made me think he was going to decline.

"I'll do it. But if you kill my brother or my closest friends, I'll come and kill you." He growled, bloodlust showing up faintly in his eyes.

"We won't kill them. We might hurt them or hold them hostage." I said with a growing smirk before walking over and grabbing his chin carefully. "Welcome to the League. What's your villain name?"

He didn't answer immediately, clearly thinking it over. "Acid." He said and gave me a smirk. "Since I don't like fighting in general, I could start making you guys support items and costumes if you get me the materials."

I couldn't believe it. (M/N) Bakugou is actually a villain! He's not even attacking us even though he could since Dabi released him! I gave him a nod and turned to Dabi, Toga and Spinner. "Go get everything that you can. Tools, metal, things for forging, and even fabric and sewing tools. Go." I growled and they left with a grumble.

Kurogiri walked up to him. "Alright Acid. I'll show you to the room you can use as your cave. Make sure you come back every weekend to give a report." He said, guiding Acid to a large empty room that's surprisingly clean with an unused bed and even a dresser and bookshelf. There weren't any windows in the room though.

This is going to be an interesting year...

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