Chapter 14: One Remebers... One Answers

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-Katsuki's POV-

After (Name) ran away, I shakily stood up and walked(wobbly) to Recovery Girl. Was he always this violent? Is that how everyone sees me?

But, I feel as though this isn't the first time he's done that to me. When I was younger, I bullied that worthless Deku because he was weak and quirkless and then I'd go home and train because that's what the old hag wanted. The problem with this is that, that wasn't just it.

(Name) looks and acts a lot like the softie at my house NOW, but not always. If my memory is as great as it should be, (Name) was the one who trained me. I know that a few times I had passed out from working too hard and woke up in my bed.

Whenever that would happen, someone would always say "a hero can't faint because there's more that needs them." Everytime I heard that, I slept peacefully and dreamt of becoming a hero. But... one day that had changed completely.

(Name) had come home, covered in injuries and sludge. He cried in the shower that night, and I know he did because I heard it. He had shared my dream with me of being a hero, but he said that he had lost his quirk that day and couldn't train anymore.

So I thought he was useless. A quirkless wannabe like that worthless Deku and began to pick on him too. He always defend Deku whenever he could but he wasn't there to save me from that sludge monster...

As I'm going through these memories, I'm beginning to wonder why he doesn't confide in me anymore. Does he truly not want to be a hero? He's always hanging around that weird ass support girl that I can't remember the name of.

-Your POV-
I sat in an alleyway with Tokoyami and Dark Shadow, just remaining silent as they stared at me.

"Did you find your answer yet?" He had asked me, making me look at the two and heave a sigh.

"My answer? I caused him to be like this. He's right about one thing. I'm useless when it comes to fighting and defending what's important. A hero can't faint or cry or seem frail and weak because there are people who need them, people who can't defend themselves. But my answer is that I'm going to try and transfer into the support course. At least then I can be sure knowing that I won't cause anyone in 1-A the pain I cause Katsuki." I said, smiling bitterly while looking up at the orange sky.

Standing up, I held my hand out to Tokoyami who took it and didn't let go. Dark Shadow and him shared a look before Tokoyami spoke, as calm as ever.

"It is true that when in the public eye that you can't be weak, but when you aren't a hero yet and you're being shielded it's ok to break the mold. You don't have to protect Bakugou or anyone in 1-A because we all want to get strong to protect those who can't protect themselves. And we all want to do it with you by our sides." His words made me look down as I held back tears, just nodding as we began to walk back to UA.

I hadn't even realized how far I ran until I had to walk back. Curse the lack of adrenaline!

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