Chapter 9: Kiri--!!

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Your POV

I was walking back into the dorm after healing both Deku and I. It's about 1 in the morning.

Izu-kun had just went upstairs to sleep when I felt arms wrap around my waist. I jumped before leaning into the other person. The reason I leaned into it is because there is absolutely no way in hell that a villain ALREADY infiltrated the dorm building.

"What are you still doing up? Shouldn't you sleep?" I shivered at the tired, and somewhat husky voice that can belong to the one and only shark-- I mean Kirishima.

"I just finished sparring with Midoriya. Why aren't you sleeping?" Whispering the question to him, just because everyone is vulnerable at night.

Feeling him shrug, I had a feeling he couldn't really fall asleep. "Struggling to sleep?" The nod I got only confirmed my suspicion.

I turned the stove off and moved the pan to the back burner before turning around and smiling softly at Kirishima.

"Want me to join you tonight? I don't mind sharing a bed. Unlike Bakugou, I don't bite." I say with a wink and see his face turn a beautiful shade of pink.

"W-Would you please do that? I don't know why I can't sleep tonight..." He yawned, resting his forehead against mine.

Deciding to keep the silence, I nodded gently and carefully picked Kirishima up bridal style. "Which room?"

"The one next to yours... The one on the left." Kirishima could barely talk in his exhausted state.

When we finally made it to his room, Kirishima was already asleep in my arms. So I just unlocked my room and laid him in my bed. Not gonna lie, he looks so peaceful sleeping in my room.

I took a quick, cold shower and got dressed into my sleep wear. Which consists of sweatpants. I do wear underwear to bed y'all. I'm not that weird.

When I got back to my room, I could see Kirishima sitting up and looking around. I walked over to him and pushed him back down.

"Just rest. You are in my room, Kiri." He nodded at the brief explanation. Thank god I have a queen sized bed. I wonder why... oh well, I'm grateful for it at the moment.

I closed my bedroom door, locking it for the night and laid down next to Red Riot. That sounds weird... a nice weird, but weird nonetheless.

Smiling more, I fell asleep while listening to the other's gentle breathing.

-Time Skip, That morning; Kirishima POV-

Waking up, I stretched and smiled. That was probably the best I've slept my entire life! I wouldn't mind doing this again.

That's when I remember that I'm in (Name)'s room. And in his bed. So I did what any sane person would do, and looked next to me. He has this little pout when he sleeps apparently.

He's always been gorgeous and delicate, but also handsome and strong. Does that make sense? He started to wake up, so I kissed his forehead and carefully got out of the bed.

Now he's truly awake and... flustered? So goddamn cute! (Name) sat up and watched me.

"Morning, Kiri-kun." he muttered while rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Morning (Name)-kun. Wanna go to the mall today? Just us?" I asked and he nodded.

"Sure, but--" I cut him off by quickly pecking his lips.

"I'll explain why I couldn't sleep last night at the mall, ok? Just be ready by noon." With that, I left his room and went to my own, smiling to myself. 

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