Chapter 5: Training Camp Pt. 2

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Your POV

It was night time. Everyone who passed the final exams is allowed to do the Test Of Courage bullshit. Everyone who failed, have to learn.

Luckily I passed with almost flying colors. Almost.

We drew numbers and I was stuck with my brother and Todoroki since there was an odd number.

After we entered the forest again, me walking in the middle, I saw smoke in the sky.

That's when we were told about us being under attack and that we are not to engage. But rather return to the camp. Todoroki and I immediately tried to obey. I really hope everyone's ok, but I refuse to leave my brother. So I grabbed his hand and started to drag him with me towards the camp.

When we started to slow, the message came through that the villains are after 'Kaachan', which I had to turn and look at my brother. He was scared, I could tell but I also know that he's not going to back down.

After a little bit, we found a few others and made a group. We all made sure the Katuski was in the middle next to me. I didn't hear anything nor did I feel anything. So when Mr. Compress showed us the marble the contained my brother, I was pissed.

My eyes switched their color and I had some hair falling in front of my now brown eye. Everyone was staring at me since they thought I was quirkless. Everyone except Deku was in shock, he was proud.

We chased the villain, but we couldn't save my brother. Tears of frustration and sadness feel from my eyes as I obliterated 10 trees by just punching A tree and screaming.

Once I started to calm down, I created the healing tonic and gave some to those in the most need. I know that I'm going to have to explain myself to everyone.

When we returned to camp, my eyes went back to their original state. I couldn't stop my tears. How would you feel if your brother had just been captured right in front of your eyes and you couldn't do shit? He even told me to stay back!

I didn't bother talking to anyone. I just went to sleep to try and rest. The first time I use my quirk in public is when my brother truly needed me. I truly am useless.

"I'm sorry, Katsuki. I promise that I will rescue you." I whispered, both of my eyes glowing bright red. That was the last thing I remember before I fell asleep. 

Midoriya's POV

He did. He used his quirks! But I can't help but feel as though he blames himself for this. I hope he doesn't, but at the same time, I hope he does. Maybe this is the push he needed to finally use his quirk to save people like he indirectly did when he was 8. I hope this will encourage him to work harder...

Todoroki's POV

What was that?! I thought (Name) was quirkless? Or does he just hate his quirk? Like how I hated mine? But why would he hate his?

It's useful, strong and great for any situation. Even if he were to lose his quirk, he'd still be a great hero one day. Maybe, one day, I can be the one by his side. Forever until death does we part. That would be the best thing.

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