Reasons pt. 2

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*Calum’s pov*

   “And don’t even think about moving, lads. I’ve got office workers watching your every move, and trust me when I say they’re not afraid to get out the pepper spray.” Mr. Eballa pushed me and Ashton into the hard chairs by our shoulders, making me roll my eyes.

   “You’re making this seem like we’re highly intelligent super criminals.” Ashton huffed, glaring at an office lady who had pepper spray on a string around her neck. “When we’re only high school kids who have trouble unlocking doors.” I decided I would try to help the cause but the eye roll from the principal and the sigh from Ashton made me know that wasn’t the case.

   The principal shook his head and walked through the main office to his own private one, leaving us sitting in the matching hard waiting chairs.

   “I’m sorry, Ash. I didn’t mean for this to happen. You really didn’t have to help me, you could have just left. I would’ve been fine.” Ashton chuckled, making me frown. Why would he think I was joking? I really didn’t want him to get hurt.

   “C’mon Calum, let’s be real. You would have been beaten to a pulp and I’d never let anyone touch you. No matter the situation beforehand, we’d always end up right here in these uncomfortable chairs. Together.”

   We both sighed in unison, and just sat in silence until Michael and Luke burst through the door.


   “Mr. Hemmings, Mr. Clifford. Please remove yourselves from the premises. It is after school hours and I need to deal these two their punishment.”

   Michael leaned against the wall with a thoughtful look on his face. “What are you?” He asked simply. “The boogy man from The Nightmare Before Christmas?”

   “Get out Clifford.” He sighed.

   Luke grabbed Michael’s wrist and slowly pulled him out of the room, while Michael wailed like a child. “I think it’s some sort of fetish.” Ashton whispered to me, causing me to snort. The principal shot me a glare and I just looked down at my feet.

   “Get into my office.” He muttered and staggered off, probably in search of coffee. Ashton and I begrudgingly obeyed, moving from one set of uncomfortable chairs to the next.

   After a minute or two of waiting in the principal’s office, the middle aged man slowly made his way to his large, intimidating chair and folded his hands on the desk, staring deep into my and Ashton’s souls. And he just kept staring at us.

   Ashton cleared his throat, and I could tell that he had noticed as well.

   Finally, the principal seemed to come back into consciousness and began the inevitable ‘you’re a terrible human being’ speech. “Do you boys know why you’re here right now?” We both nodded, me a bit quicker than Ashton.

   “Well I’m going to tell you.” Ashton and I sighed, knowing he was about to go on a tangent.

   “You two delinquents destroyed school property,” Ashton raised his hand. “Harmed other students, did not take responsibility for your actions and attempted to run away, and you displayed public affection.” At this point, I was raising my hand as well.

   “Um, sir.” Ashton began. “I only recall doing one of those things.” The principal rolled his eyes, as if that was the usual response. It probably was.

   “That is beside the point anyway, Irwin. You did what I say you did and your punishment will fit the length of your crime. We run a Hammurabi Code driven ship, and I like to believe we are fair in our dealings.”

   Ashton still looked distraught. I tried to use my mind to send him a message not to interrupt him again, but I’m pretty sure it failed. Or he just dismissed it.

   “PDA? I can honestly say I don’t remember making out with Calum in the janitor’s closet.” I snorted, looking at the list of things that Mr. Eballa had drawn-the things he thought we did. “And why is Calum upper cutting some guy right here? I’m pretty sure it was just me jumping on the guys’ backs.”

   Ashton and I laughed about his false accusations when I finally found my voice. “You’d probably want to look at the security tapes, mate.” A look of mock fear covered Ashton’s face. “But then he’d see Michael and Luke in the janitor’s closet!”

   Mr. Eballa’s eyes widened. “They’re what?!” He ran from the room leaving me and Ashton rolling around on the floor laughing.

   Until, of course, I realized that we had no idea where Michael and Luke were so they very well might’ve been in the janitor’s closet.

   “Uh, Ashton.” He looked up at me, still giggling. “We should probably go before he comes back.” He nodded and grabbed my wrist, and we made our way out to the parking lot and away from the school.



I'm so sorry, ugh. I've been sick for a week and it's finally looking up so that's good but lately I've just had the worse writers block and literally just zero motivation. Grr this feels like I'm fishing for compliments or something but no lie, whenever someone comments something like 'omg update!1!1'  I get on the laptop and start writing. 

It's not a good thing, though, because if I don't wwrite it in the next fifteen minutes I feel like I failed the person.


I love you guys :) 


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