Backstory 2 (Ricky)

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Ricky POV

Beginning of junior high, age 11, one year before powers showed.

It was the first day of school. I just hope it isn't as bad as elementary with the bullying, but I couldn't have been more wrong. Hello I'm a kid who is deemed weaker then Quirkless. The reason being my Quirk has no benefits but only weaknesses, which is probably the reason why I'm a prime target for bullies to make themselves look stronger.

It is the morning of the first day of Junior High, and let just say I am not very excited. Sure the school has three different elementary schools going to it, and it the same school Rachell going to, but i don't think she considers me a friend. Specially since she is force to join our family game nights that Peter joins. Her along with my younger brother were told to watch my back, which already sounds like a bad idea to me.

I had finished my breakfast, and while I was heading to the door my Dad called my name.

Paul: Hey, Ricky!

Ricky: yea, Dad.

Paul: Be careful at school.

Ricky: I'll try.

I walk out of the house and start to walk to the school. I was about halfway there when I see the villain Vulture land in front of me all webbed up followed by Spiderman landing on top of him.

Peter: Oh, hey Ricky how you doing?

Ricky: good, just walking to school, how about you?

Peter: good, do you know when lasher will be working?

Ricky: probably somewhere between the hour.

Peter: Good, uh do you want me to give you a swing to the school like I did Rachell.

Ricky: sure, why not.

He swings me to school saving me a half hour walk.

Ricky: Thanks for the swing.

Peter: No problem, now, I'm going to meet up with your dad.

Ricky: ok, bye.

Peter: bye. Have a good day at school.

He swings off when I hear a conversation.

???: How does that weakling know Spiderman?

???2: I don't know, but maybe later we should teach him a lesson on were he stands.

???: yes let's do that after lunch.

I hear a high frequency sound that one of them emits and the crackling of fire from the other as they walk off. My ears had started to bleed from the distant noise.


Ricky: I can't believe those two are here.

Venom: I mean it isn't illogical for those two to be here.

Carnage: Those two are bitches.

Toxin: Who are they?

Ricky: Oh yea I forget you weren't a thing until last week, well in short term they are my bullies from elementary and Pre-k when they found out how week my quirk is. Their names are Kevin and Hunter.

Toxin: Oh, got it.

*Exit thoughts *

I walked to my locker number that was on my schedule where I put my backpack before first period. Through out the day until lunch nothing to unusual had happened just conversations with venom about assignment since I decided to be in Pre-AP/ Honors classes. Other ordinary things that happened, at least to me, was the push or shove in a locker when no one was looking, a new one was from someone who can make shivs with his quirk that he used to cut my hand when I walked by him to get to Honors Math.

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