[]+[]Chapter One[]+[]

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[]+[]Chapter One[]+[]

"What do you mean? You're making me go help someone? You're kidding me, right?" asked the young spirit, laughing softly as he said so. "Yes, Jack, we need you to go and help her." North said in his heavy Russian accent. The boy rolled his eyes. "What makes you think I'll do it?" North looked at Jack before saying, "Because she is like you."

-A Few Minutes Later-

Wind tugged at his silvery white hair as he flew along with the breeze. 'Stupid North, stupid kid, stupid, all of this is stupid!' thought Jack bitterly. It was clear that he didn't want to help this girl that supposedly shares the same power with him. Of course, it was a mystery how they were alike to Jack.

It wasn't long before he was soaring over the small village of Arendelle, where the young princesses lived. Being a new guardian, not many kids believed in him yet, enabling them to see him. It was still like that here, of course, this did not please the winter spirit.

As he neared the castle, he realized how silent the castle was. Shouldn't it be full of people? Shaking it off, he flew past some of the windows, lights on or off, he tried to look in most of them. Then, one window in particular caught his attention. It was covered in frost, but it wasn't his frost, which is what confused him.

His curiosity took ahold of him. Unable to control himself, he peered in the frosted window, making out a small figure curled up by the door. He knew it was a child, yet he did not sense the presence of fun and happiness. The window creaked softly when Jack pushed it open slowly.

The petite girl didn't look up as he slipped into her room from the window. Dim sunlight shone through the glass, illuminating the young child's body. Now the question was, why was she so quiet? What had happened to this young girl? Jack didn't know why, but he wanted to find out.

As he crept closer to the girl, she still hadn't noticed he was there. It wasn't until Jack reached to touch her that she reacted. The girl jumped to her feet and backed away from Jack quickly. "W-Who are you?" She asked in a shaky voice, frightened of the man who had tried to touch her.

"Wait, you-you can see me?" asked Jack, unsure how to react, so he looked around to see who else she could be talking to. The only people in the frigid room was the young girl and the winter spirit. "Of course...should I not?" The girl asked, bringing her gloved hands to her chest.

"Yes, I mean, no! Uh...I want you to see me!" Jack exclaimed, feeling a little nervous. Like when he met his first believer, Jamie Bennet. "Hey, kid, what's your name?" asked Jack, kneeling down to the girl. In a frail voice she said, "Princess Elsa."

No doubt that this had surprised him. A princess? "Then why are you looking so down, princess?" He asked in a playful tone, causing Elsa to giggle faintly, then she frowned. "I-I can't control my powers.." She whispered. "Powers? What powers?" He asked before noticing the ice that had crawled up the walls and laid on the floor.

"So your the one that is like me then.." murmured Jack to himself. Of course, Elsa had overheard him. "Like you?" She asked softly. His attention went to her and he nodded, excitement growing inside of him. "Yes! Like me!" Then they both stared at each other in silence, nether one speaking. "Like me."

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