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johnny waved at the raven-haired boy, who tapped away on his phone.
he smiled and gestured for him to come more forward.

the elder male tilted his head to the side,
"what're you doing?"

"aha, sorry.." doyoung laughed, "i'm messaging a friend right now.
they should be like... here any second now."

"oh, i see."

johnny scanned the area, keeping a lookout.
"what's your friend look like?" he asked, completely unbothered by the fact
that there'd be a third party during their usual one on one lunch dates.

"don't worry about that-
oh. look, it's him."

perhaps time stopped as the tall male's eyes laid on someone who he shouldn't have.
however, the same could be said for who he saw.

"jae... dumbass, why'd you take so long?"
doyoung quietly scolded him.


"what a shitty excuse."

jaehyun's view shifted to the other male,
and he slightly widened his eyes in surprise, now that he knew it was johnny who
he saw. softly punching doyoung's arm and lifting a hand near his mouth laughing,
he whispered.

"is that johnny? why is he here?"
he enquired.

doyoung smirked as if he had been planning this the whole time,
"we're just gonna eat lunch with him."


"you heard me jae. all three of us, in that restaurant, eating together,"
he said as he pointed at said restaurant that they planned to dine at.

jaehyun glanced over at johnny, who was playing with the hem of his shirt,
and sighed while nodding his head. doyoung smiled at his obedience and began
to lead the way.

- - -

with a menu in front of him, jaehyun peaked over at johnny from time to time.
when their eyes met, the taller male would just kindly but awkwardly grin in response.

for some odd reason,
doyoung had seated them in front of each other.

as he watched the two shyly making contact and start laughing weirdly out
of nowhere, he couldn't help but force a smile out with a sigh of relief.

"what are you going to get?" johnny asked jaehyun,
trying to start up an actual conversation.

he swiftly covered his face with the menu.
"erm.. uhh.. maybe this one?" he laid it flat on the table and pointed.

"oh! those are really good actually!
i've tried them before!"

"really? then i'll take your word on it."

johnny turned to face the quiet raven-haired,
"and you, doyoung? what about you?"

"i'll just get what i usually get." he answered.
the taller male nodded and called the waitress over.

after they ordered their food,
doyoung dismissed himself.

"pssst... hey, guys. i'm just gonna go to the bathroom real quick.
i'll be right back."

"okay hyung." jaehyun replied.

the raven-head ran to the restroom in a hurry and immediately shut
the stall behind him once he had entered.

"ah, fuck..."
he cursed to himself,
combing his hair back.

"calm down, doyoung.
it's better off this way..."


sunflower 🌻, johnjae [ ✔ ]Where stories live. Discover now