All the smoke

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Y/N POV:  Well the fun was over. Dave had to go back to New yourk for ink master. But before he left I had painted my pregnancy test to look like my vape. So I acted like I was hitting from it.

Dave's POV:  You know I dont like it when you do that. You'll ruin your lungs.

Y/N POV:  Hmmm... I didnt know smoke could be positive. We turn to eachother and he looks at me confused. Until I showed him the pregnancy test.

Dave's POV:   What... smoke cant be-. I saw her holding a positive pregnancy test. I was overwhelmed with joy at the sight of this so I hold her close and kiss her. This is great baby, cant wait to be a dad.

Y/N POV:   I was so happy I jumped into his arms. You're going to be the best dad and I just know it. Saddened by the fact I know he has to go to the airport to catch a flight to film a new episode of ink master.

Dave's POV:   Excited by the news but also a bit sad I had to leave, in the car Y/N and I called Todd and broke the news and upon arrival at the ink master set I told Oliver and Chris and they were all happy wishing us luck. I also told them how she broke the news to me and they seemed to get a laugh out of it.

Y/N POV:   After Dave left I invited Todd over to discuss a gender reveal and talk about names that Dave and I had come up with. Some of the gender reveal ideas were creative and funny. I like the paintball one and the baseball one. For the paintball theme both of us gets shot with a paint ball gun either blue or pink paint. The baseball one is I get a ball with blue or pink powder in it so when he hits the ball it will explode with either color popping out.

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