Shakespeare's masterpiece

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On Earth , all the students gathered at the amphitheater for a session .

Nicky : I can't wait to find out what the celebration will be .

Vanilla passed by them with her friends .

Vanilla : Some of us in the know already know .

Pamela : What do you mean ?

Paulina : Sssh ! The headmaster's about to speak .

The headmaster de Mousus clears his throat in front of the student audience . All were hanging from his lips .

Octavius : Dear students , i am sure you are aware of the importance of this announcement !

A thousand eyes were fixed on the rector who did not stop speaking and while he spoke , the students hope that he does not embark on one of his usual endless speeches . The only student who couldn't stand her long speech anymore was Nicky , who kept moaning and covering her ears .

Nicky : Oh no , it's another one of his long lectures !

Octavius : We must therefore celebrate them with dignity ... Bla bla bla ... after a careful exam of the situation , the commission , chaired by your servants , has come to the conclusion that ... patati et patata ...

Nicky : God please , nooo !

Her friends giggled and the chatter grew all around .

Violet : Sssh ! Silent , he'll hear you .

Octavius : And so, we decided ... patati patachose ... following the informed proposal of Professor Rattcliff ... gnagnagni gnagnagna ... to organize a theatrical performance !

The hubbub immediately stopped ; all the students widened their eyes at the same time , and the rector finally concluded ;

Octavius : And the show will be ; Romeo and Juliet , from the great William Shakespeare !

A burst of crackling applause engulfed the audience .

Octavius : In a few hours , we will post notices of the hearings in the central corridor , which are open to everyone !

The rector let the din of comments invade the amphitheater , then he coughed and coughed to demand silence . But the students could no longer stop .

Octavius : Young people ! Calm down ! Professor Rattcliff will explain how to prepare for the auditions !

Margaret : So , as you certainly know , the tragedy that we will represent is about the great love that tore apart a boy and a girl belonging to enemy families . The scene you will have to study for the auditions is the second of Act II .

No one reacts .

Margaret : It's the scene in which Juliet pronounces her famous reply ; Romeo , Romeo why are you Romeo ? ''

At that moment , the explosion of student enthusiasm became downright uncontrollable . They were going to prepare one of the most famous scenes in the world . The one , madly romantic , where Romeo declares his love to Juliet , perched on her balcony , in the middle of the shadows of the night . All the students were impatient to start preparing for the auditions . This is why , when the professors declared the session closed , the boys and girls hurtled down the stands of the amphitheater . 

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