Secret reveal !

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On Colette , Nicky and Dina's side at Mouseford .

Colette : It's weird... It's super hot .

Nicky : And the sun is weird too .

The girls went outside , and immediately Dina saw something in the sky near the astronomical observatory .

Dina : Hey ! Look !

NickColette : Huh ??

Her friends were also turning , they saw it too .

Colette : And if it was ....

Nicky : You think Violet is...

Thinking about the sun , they immediately understood that it was Apotre Sol who controlled the sun , and , they think that Violet is currently in the observatory .

NickColette : Oh no !!

Dina : Go ahead , girls ! Transform yourself ! I'm going to get some water and I'm going to see if Violet had left her magical pen or not ! I will join you !

NickColette : Okay !

Dina goes back inside . Colette and Nicky were hiding somewhere out of sight of the other students . Once they found a hiding place , at the school garage , the two Thea Sisters took out their magical pen .

Colette : Jolie Colette !

Nicky : Hyper Nicky !

NickColette : Let's go !!

The two friends transform together .

Jolie : Chic and romantic like Europe , Jolie Colette !

Hyper : The greenish nature of Oceania , Hyper Nicky !

Hyper and Jolie are then out of the garage and they go to the observatory without waiting . For her part , Dina , with a few bottles of cold water in her arms , enters Violet's room . She saw that her friend's magical pen was there .

Dina : No way ! Didn't she bring her pen ?

Dina took Violet's pen and put it in her pocket and she ran out . The girl arrived in her room , puts the bottles and the magical pen on her bed . She took her bag and put the bottles and the pen in there . Dina rummaged through her drawer next to her bed for something .

Dina : Where is this ? Where is this ? Aha !

She found her brooch , which allowed her to transform .

Dina : Flying Heavenly Power !

Dina metamorphosed into Skyla Tyr .

Skyla : I am a guardian angel and the messenger who blows the celestial trumpet in the sky , Skyla Tyr !

Skyla takes her bag , opens her bedroom window , she goes out and then closes the window . The way is clear , the loop at the bottom of the mouselet's back changes into the wings of an angel . Skyla Tyr flew towards the observatory . In the forest , because of the heat and that she had run around a lot , Violet collapsed . She's starting to feel dehydrated and she really needs water . Apotre Sol stepped on Violet's back to keep her from getting up .

Sol : You can't escape me , Violet . I am the sun , I am the one who illuminates and warms the Earth , and ...

He aimed at her with his golden bow .

Sol : No matter where you hide , I can always see and hear you !

Paulina : Vi !

Finally , Pamela , Paulina and Vic arrived . The Daimon blocks them the way .

Violet : Pam...Paulina...

Sol : There's another Thea Sisters...

Pamela : Sol ! You better stay away of our friend !

Vic : You know him ?

The two friends had almost forgotten that Vic is always with them , they look at each other , seeming to wonder if they will have to trust him and transform themselves in front of him .

Pamela : Paulina...

Paulina : Okay...

Paulina and Pamela rummage in their pocket and take out their magical pen . If they really want to save Violet , they have no choice but to reveal their secret to Vic . Pamela turned to Vic .

Pamela : Listen , Vic , if you tell everybody else our secret , i swear , i will broke your neck !

Pamela turned to Paulina .

Pamela : Dynamic Pamela !

Paulina : Glitter Paulina !

PamPauli : Let's go !!

Paulina transform into Glitter and Pamela into Dynamic . Vic was speechless and surprised .

Dynamic : The force of Africa , Dynamic Pamela !

Glitter : The wealth of America , Glitter Paulina !

Vic : What...?

Jolie/Hyper : Wait a minute !

Jolie and Hyper arrive at the place .

Jolie : Chic and romantic like Europe , Jolie Colette ! Of course , i'm the Europe !

Hyper : The greenish nature of Oceania , Hyper Nicky ! I am the Oceania !

In the sky , Skyla also arrives and she lands gently on the ground .

Skyla : And me , i am a guardian angel and the messenger who blows the celestial trumpet in the sky , Skyla Tyr !

Dynamic and Glitter smile .

Glitter : Hyper ! Jolie ! Skyla !

Dynamic : Finally ! You are there !

Vic : Adrianson ? Mirabeau ? Squid ?

Jolie : Hello ! ^^

Hyper : Please , don't tell everyone...^^

TSFS episode 5 - The guardian of the North and the earth , Cardinal Norden !Where stories live. Discover now