Are you fucking kidding us ?!?

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Meanwhile on the SSA side , Apotre Luna was in trouble with the goddess Hera . All the other members of the Solar Systems Apotres were also present . The evil goddess was aware of the problems the Thea Sisters have caused since last year .

Hera : Luna ! I learned from Mercury that you couldn't get rid of those damn Thea Sisters ! Since a year !

Luna : Hum ... it's that ... well ... That's what I tried to do several times !

Hera : So explain to me why you failed !

Luna : During my first meeting with them , when I was about to kill them all , five goddesses came to intervene . And the problem is , the Thea Sisters were protected by these five goddesses !

Hera looked more and more furious .

Hera : Five goddesses you say ?! Do they look alike ?!

Luna : I think so , I did not see the details because all five were very bright .

Apotre Luna thought she was going to be executed , but no .

Hera : Luna , since you have failed several times , you are temporarily out of this mission ! I designate Apotre Sol to take care of the Thea Sisters .

Luna : What ?!

Sol : He he ! Yes , Lady Hera !

Hera : As for your all , keep sending your disciples to Earth and send me energies ! I now leave you to return to your planets .

All the members left and returned to their abode . At Mouseford Academy , a few hours after the announcement of the performance , a word was pinned on the display in the central corridor . But since there was only one , all the students had their heads turned towards this advertisement like sunflowers in search of the sun . With a keen and attentive eye , they read and reread the text , others noted in their note books , for fear of forgetting important information , such as the place or time of the meeting . The Thea Sisters and Dina , too , were anxiously awaiting the big event .

Paulina : Are you all thinking of auditioning ?

Nicky : You bet ! I had already climbed the mountains , slept in the desert , but never played a role in theaters ! Performed Juliet would be a big challenge for me .

Dina : Juliet has a magnificent soul ! I would love to play the role !

Colette : I think Juliette is such romantic ! I would love to take on this role and wear a beautiful pink dress !

Paulina : But whoever wins , it will be a magnificent spectacle . And if none of us is chosen , well ... i would be happy for this person .

The girls all agreed . Colette was strangely meditative . Nicky gives her a little poke on the shoulder , which startled her friend .

Nicky : Hey , Coco ! What are you thinking , the air so absorbed ?!

Colette : Sorry ! Hum ... I wonder who they will choose to play Romeo .

Pamela : He he he ! Our Colette is the great romantic ! xD

Violet , who was always a little reserved when it came to love , immediately changed the subject .

Violet : Let's go to the library to borrow at least one copy of the piece !

Nicky , Violet , Colette , Dina , Pamela and Paulina rushed into the large library of the academy , where a very bad surprise awaited them .

ColPauliVioPamDina : WHAAAT ?!?

Nicky : What do you mean ?! '' Not available '' ?!

Librarian : I'm sorry , but all of Romeo and Juliet's copies have been borrowed in the past hour .

The Thea Sisters and Dina withdrew , all disappointed , into Nicky and Paulina's room .

Pamela : but it's not possible ! With all the copies of the piece that were in the library , all of a sudden there is not one left by snapping the fingers ! Like that !

Paulina : Maybe we can find a copy online .

Colette : But we will waste time ! It won't arrived in time if we order it online !

Violet : Calm down , girls . There must be a solution . We can ask someone to lend us their copy !

Dina : I already asked the other students , but apparently no one has the book !

Nicky : It's strange ! Everyone is looking for it ! How is it possible ?!

Moments later , the girls heard someone declaim in the hallway .

Violet : That sound like Vanilla .

Dina : I think we should see her to see what she's doing , because I have feeling that nothing is good .

Paulina , Violet , Pamela , Colette , Dina and Nicky rushed out of the room and found themselves facing the Vanilla Girls ; each of them had a copy of the coin in hand .

Nicky : Everything is explained !

Dina : Really ?!

Vanilla : Hi , girls ! How are you ?

Nicky : Go to hell !

Vanilla : Have you ever been to the library by any chance ? Oh , too bad for you ! You couldn't borrow a single copy of the tragedy , right ?

Zoe : That's really bad luck ! He he he !

Pamela : Are you FUCKING kidding us , Vanilla ?! Are you serious ?! With you , all means are good ! You're just-

Pamela was going to beat them , but Violet stopped her by grabbing her by the arm .

Violet : Stop it , Pam ! Let's give up ! It is useless to beat up the others for an examplaire .

Vanilla and her acolytes exchanged satisfied looks (except one of them , Connie , who continued to read) , while the six girls retired to the bedroom , annoyed .

TSFS episode 5 - The guardian of the North and the earth , Cardinal Norden !Where stories live. Discover now