A friend in danger !

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In Mouseford , Nicky joined her friends in Colette and Pamela's bedroom .

Nicky : Has anyone seen Violet recently ?

Colette : No , we thought she was with you .

Nicky : I haven't seen her since early morning , but we had an appointment here to eat together ... and you know how precise and punctual Violet is .

Colette : Yeah , we know it....-_-

Colette thought back to all the times Violet had yelled at her for her delays .

Pamela : And after lunch , she has to show up for the hearing . It is not normal that she is late .

Paulina : Maybe she's probably still practicing .

Colette took out her cell phone .

Colette : I will text her .

But after waiting several seconds , their friend still did not answer .

Colette : She doesn't answer ... it's not normal .

Dina : So we should-

Dina could not finish her sentence , she is interrupted by the sound of a falling object .

Nicky : What was that ?

Looking at what it was , Violet's photo frame was falling and the glass in the frame was breaking . Dina picked it up . Suddenly she had a bad feeling . She looked at her friends with a serious look .

Dina : I have a strange feeling that something terrible has happening to her !

Nicky : So let's go ! And let's ask the other students if they had seen Violet !

In the corridor , Vic walked towards his room . He was going to rest a little because he did not sleep well at night because of his symptoms which are still there . Even if he had taken medicine , the pain was still not gone . He saw the Thea Sisters and Dina left Colette and Pamela's room . The girls see him .

Colette : de Vissen !

Vic : Hi .

Colette : Hi ! Have you seen Violet ?

Vic : No , sorry .

Paulina : Because we can't find her anywhere ! And the second audition is about the start soon .

Dina : Can you please help us ?

Vic thought for a moment .

Vic : Fine . Maybe we could split up . Mirabeau , Adrianson and Squid , you can look for her in the school . Tangu , Bernaldez et i , we can look outside .

Thea Sisters and Dina : Okay !

The seven students separated in search of Violet . Colette , Dina and Nicky went to the cafeteria to check if their friend is there , but , instead of finding Violet , they only found Zoe , Alicia and Connie . Vanilla's three friends looked worried .

Nicky : Hey , Brown , Fontaine and Adams ! Have you seen Violet ?

Zoe : No . Why are you asking us ?

Colette : We are looking for our friend , but we can't find her !

Connie : So...you look for a friend too ?

Nicky , Colette and Dina looked at each other then they looked at the three girls .

Dina : Why ? What is going on ?

Alicia : We are looking for Vanilla ... we haven't seen her in a while .

Colette : What ?

At that moment , Colette , Nicky and Dina understood that Violet was not the only missing student .... Vanilla too . In the Hawk Wood , Violet ran non-stop , because she was chased by a Daimon who looked like a troll . She tripped over a rock and got up straight away . She hid behind a tree , while the Daimon was looking for it , sniffing all around to spot it by its smell .

Sol : Ha ! I guess you don't have your magical pencil , right ? Without it , you can't transform ! Ha ha ha ha !

Violet :《 What i gonna do ? Without my magical pencil , i can't transform ! I can't fight too ! And all that , i can't call my friends either ! My pencil and my phone are in my bedroom !》

Colette , Nicky and Dina had looked for Violet in every room and every corner of the school , but without finding her . Pamela , Paulina and Vic , for their part , after checking the garden and the playing field , left the academy .

Pamela : No sign of her yet . Where did she go...?

Vic : She must be revising her text somewhere ... but where ?

Paulina : What about....the Kneecap River ! She likes to sit by the water and sketch sometimes !

Pamela : Right ! Let's move !

Vic followed them .

Violet : Eeeeek !

Violet was still chased by the Daimon and at the same time she dodged the golden arrows that Apotre Sol shot at her with his solar bow . And with the sun that he controls , Sol increased the brightness of the sun so that the heat rises , and so that Violet is exhausted by the heat of the sun and make it dehydrate . Not far from there , Pamela , Paulina and Vic had just taken the path , when they stopped . They began to feel high heat .

Pamela : Did you guys feel that ?

Paulina : Yeah ! The heat ! And look at the sun !

Vic hadn't noticed that small pebbles and sand were floating under his paw . Then the pebbles and sand fall to the ground . Vic was surprised .

Vic : 《What the...》

But Paulina and Pamela hadn't seen it .

Paulina : Hey , de Vissen , are you alright ?

Vic : I'm okay . Do you think that the sun are not normal ?

Paulina : Yeah , that's strange .

Vic looked at the sun , but turning to the observatory hill , he saw a strange figure floating in the air .

Vic : What is that ?

PamPauli : Huh ??

When the girls also looked in the same direction that Vic saw something , they saw it too . By looking very carefully , they recognize that it was Apotre Sol . They understood that it is he who controls the sun . And , they then thought that Violet was in danger .

PamPauli : Violet !!

The girls started running towards the observatory and Vic followed them .

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