Chapter 2

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Emmi stood nervously in front of the door of the unfamiliar apartment building. Typical city noises played out behind her as she waited to see the woman she had been texting non-stop since meeting the night before.

As the door finally opened, there stood the raven-haired woman Emmi had been unable to get out of her mind.

"Emmi! I'm so glad to see you. Come in, I'm up on the second floor."

The brunette smiled shyly as she took in the figure in front of her. To say that Diana was tall would be an understatement.

"I didn't realize you were so..."

"Big?" Diana cut the girl off with a playful wink.

A look of abject horror overtook the young girl's face.

"Nonononono! I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to i-imply anything bad."

Diana tried not to chuckle as Emmi appeared sincere in her fear of causing possible offense.

"Sweetheart, I'm 6'5". People say all kinds of things to me. You're fine. Now come on! It's a bit cold out here."

Emmi nodded her head but refused to meet the woman's gaze. Despite the cold air and embarrassment she felt, Diana's use of a pet name made her feel warm inside.

She whispered a "thank you" as the door to the apartment was held open for her.

"This is really nice" Emmi stated as she took in her surroundings.

"Thanks! Here," Diana pointed down a hallway off to the side of the living room. "The bathroom is the first door on the left, my office is the second, door on the right is the guest room, door at the end of the hall is my room. This is of course my living room and kitchen off to the side here. Thanks for watching House Hunters."

Emmi giggled at the woman's antics and Diana quickly decided this was a sound she wanted to hear again and again

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Emmi giggled at the woman's antics and Diana quickly decided this was a sound she wanted to hear again and again.

Walking around the side of the couch, the taller woman plopped down and motioned Emmi to take a seat beside her.

"Would you like to discuss everything now, or do you need a minute?"

At these words Emmi grew pale. She knew sooner or later they would have to discuss the dynamics of pursuing a relationship, but she suddenly felt very anxious.

She then felt a large, warm hand cover each of her own.

"You don't have to be nervous, sweetheart. I promise. We're here to learn together and talk things through. We can go as fast or slow as you want."

Emmi let out a shaky breath and nodded her head; grateful for how delicately Diana was handling the situation.

"W-we can talk now."

Diana smiled.

"Do you have the list I asked you to make?"

Emmi nodded and pulled a piece of paper out of her shoulder bag.

"I started with likes, then things I want to try, then what I don't like. Is that okay?"

"That's perfect."

Emmi smiled at the praise as Diana began to read off her list.

"Likes...bottles, pacifiers, blankies, toys, little clothes, stuffies, baths, baby plates, sippy cups, and coloring."

Diana scanned the list over after reading aloud.

"Is that all? You can add more whenever you'd like of course."

"I haven't tried anything else really. So the rest is on my want to try list." She went to cover her face shyly as the woman moved to read the next part of her list. Diana had to resist the urge to coo at just how cute the girl next to her was.

"Want to try...diapers, highchair, car seat, crib, and suckies."

If possible, Emmi covered her face even more at the final part of her list.

"You're so cute. This is all more than doable. Just understand we may not be able to try it all, and get everything, at once."

Diana smiled at the nodding girl before continuing with the final part of her list.

"Most importantly now. Dislikes...hitting of any kind, pet play, handcuffs or restraints, choking or breath play, blood, urine, feces, needles, and sharing."

After concluding reading off the list, Diana turned to look down at Emmi seriously.

"Emmi, I would never hit you. Do you understand? I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you in any way."

"I understand" Emmi replied with a small smile.

"Now I'll quickly go over my list. We can compile both of our lists and then we'll each have a copy. Remember, you can add or takeaway things whenever you need."

Diana waited to receive visual or verbal confirmation of understanding before continuing.

"Likes...snuggling, carrying, diapers, bottles, playing, kissing, dressing up little one, and bathing little one. Want to try...crib, breastfeeding, car seat, booster seat, and spanking."

At this, Emmi immediately tensed. Diana quickly noticed the girl's shift in demeanor and gently brushed some hair from her face.

"We don't have to do anything you don't want to, remember? No hitting means no hitting at all."

Emmi quietly replied her understanding while the final column of Diana's list was read.

"Dislikes...blood, feces, urine, pet play, brattiness," Diana winked playfully before continuing, "gagging, and anal."

After finishing her list, another was picked up from the coffee table.

"This is my rules and punishments list. These are going to be a bit less negotiable. However, if there is something you absolutely cannot handle; let me know."

A nod from Emmi prompted Diana to continue.

" cursing, no back talking, no lying, no yelling, no hurting or hitting yourself or others, no going outside or leaving without permission, always be honest and open about your thoughts and feelings, eat three meals a day, bedtime is 10:00PM every night, no temper tantrums, and no explicit and intentional disobedience. I will give you three warnings before a punishment is carried out unless you throw a tantrum in public, hurt yourself or anyone else, or are willfully disobedient. Punishments...early bedtime, no watching TV or using computer, timeout or corner time, writing lines, and spanking. We can take spanking off the list but the rest is more than fair, right?"

Emmi looked overwhelmed by the amount of information.

"Th-that's a lot to remember. What if I can't?"

"We will each get a copy of our lists. You don't have to remember everything, okay? That's what warnings and the copy is for."

At this, the small girl looked a bit more assured.

"So does this mean you're going to be my mommy? Are you also my girlfriend? Sorry, I'm not sure what happens now."

Diana couldn't help but smile at the adorable mix of concentration and confusion that graced the girl's features.

"If that's what you'd like, Emmi. When I said I wanted to get to know you better, I meant all of you: big and little. Taking care of little Emmi would be amazing, but being a girlfriend to big Emmi too is more than ideal."

The response was more than Emmi could have hoped for and she couldn't help but vigorously shake her head up and down while repeating "yes." This caused Diana to throw her head back in laughter at the girl's behavior.

"You're seriously the cutest person ever. Now, how does pizza sound for dinner?"

Emmi clapped her hands at this before hugging Diana as tight as she could.

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