Chapter 11

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"Sit down on the couch, please" Diana said as she and Emmi entered her apartment.

The little girl did as she was told and sat silently waiting for further instructions. Her tiny frame did not allow for her feet to touch the ground when leaning against the back of the couch; a fact that served to make her feel even smaller.

"Do you know why Mama is going to punish you, Emmi?" the woman questioned as she crouched in front of the girl.

"W-was ba' guwl" she replied sadly.

Diana shook her head at the response.

"No. Your behavior was bad, but you are not bad. What about your behavior was bad?"

The girl seemed stricken at having to discuss her earlier actions.

"No wisten to M-Mama an' cwyin' an' thwo t-tantwum" the little one admitted.

"That's right. One of the rules is no willful disobedience. You chose not to listen and ran away when it was time to head home. Then you threw a fit about leaving and being punished."

Emmi's bottom lip wobbled as her caregiver reiterated her reasons for discipline.

"It's very important you know why you're being punished, Emmi. I would never discipline you because I wanted to make you feel bad, hurt you, or for no reason. Actions have consequences and I'll not have you behave like a brat" the woman lectured.

"Am a bwat?"

The little girl was dangerously close to crying again.

"You acting like a brat is different than simply being a brat."

The tiny girl nodded her head slowly; though the sorrowful expression never left her face.

"I think a good punishment is to write lines and then we'll spend some time in the corner."

"Wes, Mama" the brunette said quietly.

Emmi was then set up with a pencil and paper and instructed to write "I will always listen to Mama" and "I will behave in public" twenty-five times each. The girl could feel her hand cramping slightly near the end of her writing but understood this came with part of her punishment.

"All done? Thank you" Diana said after looking over the piece of paper. "Now I'm going to put you in your crib where you will face the corner for ten minutes and not utter a word or move from that position. Understand?"

"Wes..." the girl lisped.

As the baby was dropped into her crib and moved into the corner, she became slightly nervous.

"Mama? You weave awone?"

"Yes, Em. That's part of the punishment. You need to sit in the corner and think about what you did and why you need to make sure it doesn't happen again."

"Wha' i-if scawed?"

"I'll be in the living room. You need to take your punishment now. Here" the woman said as she gently guided her little one's nose into the corner.

With the mention she would return when ten minutes was up, the tall woman exited the room; leaving her little one to think.

Diana listened from the living room and heard no sounds or movement. She was, of course, watching discreetly as well to see if her baby tried to move out of the corner.

She was relieved when Emmi only leaned forward against the corner and made no effort to try and escape or speak.

A low ring from her phone alerted the woman that ten minutes had passed. She entered the nursery where her little girl was still sitting quietly in her crib.

"That's ten minutes. Ready to come out now?"

Turning around, the girl sadly nodded her head and waited to be released from her crib.

Once she was set on the ground, Diana made a move to sit herself on the plush carpet as well.

"Your punishment is over now, baby. But if you'd like to tell me, I'd be interested to know why you acted out today."

Emmi looked ashamed and wrung her tiny hands together.

"W-was scawed bu' den hab fun. No wanna 'top and den Mama angwy I ba' guwl. So cwyin' an' be scawed 'gain."

Diana looked sympathetically at her little girl.

"Thank you for telling me. I'm glad you had fun today and I understand no one wants the fun to stop. But you never, ever have to be afraid of me, Emmi. Even if I'm upset with your behavior and need to discipline you; it's for your own good and because I care. Mama knows about what happened to you in the past and the person that lied and said you were a bad girl who needs to be punished. You are a good girl who needs reminders to help her stay a good girl. That's all."

"Tank 'ou" the tiny girl whispered out. "I beweive 'ou" she then said seriously.

"I'm glad" Diana said with a small smile.

She then opened her mouth slightly before closing it quickly and looking a bit hesitant.

"I know you're little right now, peanut; but Mama needs to know something so that she and big girl Emmi can talk later."

The words sounded a bit rushed entirely due to the fact that Diana was unsure if she should even bring up the subject. However, she knew that both big and little Emmi needed to give consent for what she was proposing.

The little girl then matched the look of hesitation on her Mama's face.

Diana let out a sigh as she built up the courage to ask her question.

"Mama cares for you very much. In fact, Mama loves you very much. And one way that my love and caring can be shown is by feeding you, sweetheart."

The tiny girl's confusion seemed to grow.

"Bu' 'ou aweady gib me foob wike pizza!"

The older woman tried to stifle a laugh at the adorable, genuine response.

"Yes, that's right. But as a Mama I can feed you using my body. These" the woman said gesturing to her chest, "are breasts and make a special milk for my little girl to drink. Would you like to have some, one day?"

Emmi looked inquisitively from her Mama's face down to her breasts before shaking her head in agreement.

"Wes, Mama. I hab suckies?"

"That's right, peanut: suckies. If you want suckies then Mama can make that happen very soon."

The tiny baby clapped her hands at this before seeming to lose interest in the subject and crawling over to her toy box.

Diana let out a breath at the smoothness of the conversation. She had the ability to induce lactation with massaging of her breasts and medication, but had to be absolutely sure this was something her little, and big, girl wanted.

She decided to wait until Emmi fell out of headspace on her own before bringing up the subject again. For the time being, she would enjoy spending time with her little girl.

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