Chapter 5

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Diana had just finished making two plates of pancakes when she heard a bit of noise coming from the nursery. While her little girl had remained in headspace for the majority of the previous night, and was ultimately put to bed in her new crib, the tall woman was unsure if big or little Emmi would be greeting her momentarily.

Pushing the door to the nursery open and peering in, the tiny brunette could be seen sitting up slightly and rubbing her eyes.

"D-Diana? Are you there?"

This was clearly big Emmi.

"Hi, sweetheart. I hope you slept well. There's pancakes in the kitchen when you're feeling a bit more awake and ready to eat. Want a lift?"

The girl smiled and nodded while holding her arms up.

Hesitantly, she was taken straight from the crib and placed on her feet. Diana wanted to carry her but reasoned she should allow the girl a bit more independence while out of headspace.

Once in the kitchen, Emmi was given a plate of pancakes and cup of milk while Diana sat down with her own plate and cup of coffee.

After taking a few bites, the black haired woman decided to clue the girl in on her plan for the day.

"So I was thinking, I know I already got you some stuff for when you're here, but would you like to go pick out a couple more things at the mall? I need to get a car seat for sure, along with a highchair, and more clothes."

"Um...I guess? But I d-don't want to be a b-burden."

Diana frowned deeply at this.

"Were it a burden I wouldn't ask. No more putting yourself down. Eat those pancakes up now, little girl."

Emmi looked slightly unconvinced but began to eat. She was so unfamiliar with having someone be this kind and understanding in any capacity; let alone without any expectation of reciprocity. Though she kept saying to simply be grateful, the situation just seemed too good to be true.

Pushing away her plate to signal she was done, the little girl made a move to get down from her seat but paused abruptly.

"D-Diana? Do I have to be little at the mall?"

"You can be big, little, or in between."

Nodding her head, she jumped off the stool and noted to her host that she was heading to the bathroom to get ready.

As she removed the footed sleeper and pulled off her diaper, Emmi frowned to see that she had wet herself sometime during the night. She briefly considered telling Diana but ultimately decided she didn't want to worry the woman.

The diaper was then discreetly discarded into the bathroom trash can and the girl hopped into the shower.

Diana waited patiently for her baby to be ready to go to the mall. Though she had asked if the girl needed any help getting ready, she was given only a polite dismissal.

Finally, the girl emerged in a maroon dungaree dress with a black t-shirt and converse. Sensing the decision to be big, Diana decided not to press about the girl wanting to bring any little items on their trip.

"Oh I really like this little outfit" the older woman said.

"Thank you" the girl murmured shyly. "I like your very...Joan Jett aesthetic."

"Just when I thought I couldn't like you more" the woman replied playfully.

The two made their way outside to the car where Emmi was once again seated in the back. Turning on the radio, the two then began the relatively short drive to the mall.

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