Chapter 7

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Diana sat at the desk in her home office typing away on her computer. She was close to finishing a major project for one of her repeat clients and was making some final preparations before sending off the designs for approval.

Just as she was about to save her work and email the proofs, a loud cry rang out from the nursery across the hall.

Emmi had been napping for a little over an hour and usually woke up either singing or babbling. The fact that she was now screaming was completely out of character and caused her Mama a great deal of concern.

Quickly saving her work, Diana made her way into the nursery where Emmi was lying down sobbing in her crib. Judging from her closed eyes and slight shaking, the girl was likely having a nightmare.

"What's got you so upset, sweetheart?" she said kindly while looking down at her distressed little one.

Reaching down with the intention to pick up her baby, the tall woman was surprised when she was met with a pained scream. Emmi struggled to get away from the hands that were under her arms before rolling onto her side, curling into a ball, and continuing to cry. Diana slowly retracted her offending hands and tried not to feel hurt by her baby's rejection.

Despite reasoning that the girl was only reacting negatively to her due to the nightmare, the older woman still felt slightly dejected.

"Emmi" she said loudly over the cries. "It's just Mama. Can you open your eyes for me?"

Diana pushed her own insecurities to the side in order to remain levelheaded enough to properly deal with the current situation. She only hoped Emmi would soon come out of her nightmare and allow herself to be comforted.

After a moment, two eyes finally opened slightly; though their owner's vision was partially blurred by tears.

Seeing her little one finally looking at her, Diana offered a comforting smile.

"Can I hold you, baby? It's all okay. I'm here."

This time, she wanted to ask permission to hold the girl just in case she truly wished to not be held or touched.

The volume of Emmi's cries began to subside slowly as she looked at her caretaker; though tears still streamed down her face.

After seeing the girl nod at last, Diana carefully lifted her little one into her arms. She bounced her slightly and walked into the living room where she lowered herself and Emmi onto the couch.

Wiping the tears from her baby's eyes, she tried to maneuver her into a more comfortable cradled position. She could see that the girl was trying to keep from shaking.

"Do you want to tell Mama what's got you so worked up?"

Emmi looked especially scared for a moment and tried to refrain from meeting her Mama's eyes. Finally, she let out a heavy sigh and turned to press her face into the woman's breasts.

"H-he hi' me an' I cwyin' c-cause huwt" she said, voice small and muffled.

The words surprised Diana profoundly.

"Who hit you, honey? There's no one here but us. No one can hurt you."

Emmi choked out another sob and reached up to grip her caregiver's shirt tightly in her tiny fist.

"Hi' me wif han' an' beedin' hewe" she said sadly while turning to look up at her Mama.

She subsequently removed the hand that was gripping the woman's shirt and touched it to her lips.

"You're fine, Emmi. There's no blood and no one to hit you."

The tiny girl said nothing and returned to hiding her face into her Mama's shirt.

Diana knew she would need to have a discussion with Emmi out of headspace later as something must have happened to trigger such a specific nightmare. For the time being, however, she was content to simply hold the girl and offer her any comfort she could.

The black haired woman watched as her little one pushed the food on her plate around. After totally calming from her earlier episode, she seemed to be drifting somewhere between little and big. Clearly, however, the brunette was still troubled.

"Emmi. Would you like to talk about what happened this afternoon?"

A tiny shrug was the only response.

Diana sighed.

"I won't push you to talk if you don't want to. But I'd really like to understand if there's something that's bothering you. I'm here to take care of you, baby. That means your mind as well as your body."

The girl bit her lip and ceased pushing her food around in favor of holding her hands in her lap. She understood that Diana was only trying to help her, and was likely worried about what she let slip out earlier. Despite this, talking about the incident that caused her nightmare was painful.

She took a deep breath before starting to speak.

"Well..." she began slowly. "There w-was a boy once who I l-liked. He t-told me about ageplay and w-wanted to be my daddy."

The final word was spoken so softly it was barely audible. Diana only waited patiently for Emmi to continue. She gave an encouraging nod when the girl's nervous eyes met her own.

"I t-thought I would l-like it. B-but he was mean! He hit me and m-made me bleed. H-he said it was because I was a bad girl and n-needed to be punished. I n-never got toys or any attention that w-was good or c-cuddles."

Diana now acutely understood why Emmi was so adamant about not being spanked or physically punished in any way. Her heart broke to hear her little girl discuss being abused and neglected in a past relationship.

"I'm sorry I lied!" she cried out suddenly.

"Lied?" the older woman asked quizzically. "What are you talking about, baby?"

"W-when we met. I said this w-was all new. B-but I did this b-before. Except he m-made it s-scary and b-bad."

The girl started shaking as she struggled to take in air. Diana carefully placed a comforting hand on her little one's shoulder and, when she remained still, brought her other hand up to slowly rub the girl's arms.

"Thank you for being so brave and sharing that with me, Emmi. I'm so sorry that happened to you. No one should ever have hit you or made you feel afraid. You don't deserve that. No one does."

The woman paused, leaning forward to place a kiss on the girl's forehead.

"I'm not worried about you lying to me, either. You said going to an event and being open about your interest in ageplay was new. I don't, and didn't, expect you to divulge everything about your past relationships to me; especially if it's difficult and traumatizing. You don't owe me an explanation or apology. In fact, this is practically new to you since you've never experienced ageplay in a positive setting."

Emmi wished she could articulate just how thankful she was for Diana's seemingly unending supply of kindness and understanding. Instead, she settled for simplicity.

"Thank you" she said quietly.

The tall woman smiled at her baby and moved to sit back in her chair.

"I promise I'll keep you safe, Emmi. No one will ever hurt you while I'm here."

Thank you guys for reading and for all of the sweet comments!

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