Chapter 12

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"Diana! Do you want something to drink?"

"I'm good, babe" the woman said from her spot in the living room.

The two had spent the past several days together at Emmi's apartment due to the girl not feeling very little. Almost all of her things for littlespace were at Diana's apartment, and she wanted to spend a bit of time away from her caregiver's home. Though the woman was adamant she did not mind having her little one over often, Emmi wanted to make sure she was not wearing out her welcome.

While being out of headspace, the two were able to connect further as both adults and girlfriends; a fact each was grateful for. They shared various interests in movies, trying new foods, and visiting museums and made sure to incorporate these mutual interests into several date days.

"Oof. Thanks for that" the tall woman chuckled as her small girlfriend knocked into her while sitting down.

"You love me" the girl drawled dramatically.

The two both laughed together before falling into comfortable silence.

"So..." the black haired woman said suddenly.

"So...?" Emmi replied in a questioning tone.

"Do you remember when I asked baby Emmi about breastfeeding?"

The girl blushed bright red at the question.

"Um...sort of. When I'm in headspace, even if I'm not super deep, I'm not pretending or acting or whatever. So it kind of feels like a dream when I'm not little anymore."

Diana nodded her head in understanding. She and Emmi had discussed the girl's headspace before, but understood she wanted to make sure her Mama knew why she may not remember conversations or events so vividly.

"I know and that's okay. Well, I asked my baby if she had any interest in drinking Mama's milk and she said she did. Having little Emmi's consent is important, but I need my big girl's consent too."

The little girl looked torn before biting her lip and looking down at the floor.

"You don't have to be nervous, honey. But if this is something you want, I need to know for sure."

"Y-yes I think I want to t-try."

Diana smiled widely at this.

"Okay, baby. We can try one day soon. I'd need to start inducing the lactation and then it's only a matter of time before results start showing."

Emmi seemed slightly excited but slightly afraid.

"Wh-what if I don't like it though? I mean, it's a big deal! That's a lot to go through."

"If you don't like it, we can stop. If you like the milk but not the nursing, I can see about pumping. Or if you don't like the milk but do like the nursing, I stop taking the pill. There's things that can be done. But I do need you to understand something, okay?"

Emmi looked thoughtful and patiently waited to hear the point her Mama wanted to make.

"This is something I'm willing to do for you because I want to be close to you and share a special bond. This is for me as well as you. That being said, this is my body and these are my breasts. In the same way we can discuss working something out for your likes and comfort, we need to do that for me too. If it becomes too painful or uncomfortable, I should be able to stop. Does that sound fair?"

"More than fair" the brunette responded.

Diana was relieved at her little girl's level of understanding and was thankful for having great communication between them.

"I know explaining that to a baby won't be as easy, but I promise I'll try my best to help my little girl understand everything should I feel the need to stop."

"I know you will" Emmi said placing a comforting hand on the woman's shoulder.

"Kiss please" the older woman said while making a show of puckering her lips.

The small girl easily obliged the request.

"Where we going?" said the curious little girl.

"You've already asked me that at least fifty times! I told you it's a surprise!" said Diana laughing.

Emmi wanted to pout but was feeling too excited to see where her Mama was taking her.

Suddenly, a small sign for one of her favorite places came into view. Not wanting to jinx anything, she remained quiet and waited impatiently to reach their mystery destination.

"Okay, sweetie. We're here!" came Diana's excited voice.

Emmi squealed and wiggled in her seat seeing the entrance of the zoo. She clapped her hands and kicked her legs happily.

"Mama! Wove da zoo!" came the childish voice of her little one.

Despite leaving the house out of headspace that morning, the black haired woman knew that regression would occur at some point and made sure to bring the diaper bag. She was glad to see Emmi excited and hoped she would remain feeling comfortable about herself and her headspace while out and about.

"Okay, peanut. Out you go!" the woman said while swinging the tiny girl out of her carseat and into her arms. "Now let Mama make sure your diaper is dry."

The woman then patted the girl's bottom and stuck a finger in the back of her Pampers to see if she was wet. Thankfully, her baby was still dry and they would be able to go see the animals as soon as possible.

Taking a moment to look at her little girl, Diana felt so lucky to be able to care for someone so adorable.

Emmi was wearing her beloved pair of denim overalls, dinosaur t-shirt, and purple Converse with her hair pulled into pigtails. The girl picked out her own outfit that morning which was the biggest factor in leading Diana to believe regression was imminent.

"Wha' wookin' at Mama?" the baby said while quirking her head to the side.

"You are just the cutest little thing and Mama feels very lucky to have such a sweet and happy baby girl."

Emmi blushed slightly and seemed to be unconcerned with the other people walking through the parking lot towards the zoo.

"Tank 'ou!" she rushed out after a moment.

Diana laughed at the girl's shyness and picked up the diaper bag before heading to the entrance.

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