(F)God Knows Best, But Sinning Feels Better

991 12 15

Dedicated to justapunkfangirl

"y/n! Pay attention in class!" Mr.Iero yells at me. "It's not my fault math's so fucking stupid!" I retaliate. Math fucking sucks, hence why I'm failing his class. That and the fact that his punishments made me cum so hard I see stars. He marched up to me and gives me one of his signature glares.

"Don't you dare use such disrespectful language when talking to me!" He shouts getting in my face. "Well maybe if you actually taught me this shit and didn't disrespect me every day, we would have this fucking problem!" I shout back, getting even more in his face.

He looks enraged as he grabs me by my hair and holds my head up painfully to get me to look him in the eye. I groan in pain and raise my hand to smack him across the face but before i could, his hand slapped my arm away.

"Detention, two months!" He shouts. "Don't you think border line abusing a minor is enough!?" I shout at him, my scalp starts to burn and sting more than it already did making me make a pained whimper. "1 Timothy 2:12 'But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence' so shut your mouth" he growls, yanking my hair harshly.

I cry out in pain and kick him in the shin which causes him to let go of me and I rub my head to help ease the pain in my scalp. God he's such a dick, why does he have to be so damn pretty? Fuck him.

I grab my shit, earning another glare from Mr.Iero. "And just where do you think you're going?" He said folding his arms across his chest and leaning against his desk. "Getting the hell out of this place, what else?" I sigh, aggravated at his dumb question.

"No", he chuckles darkly,"I don't think you are. Get over here, now." He said walking up to me and dragging me by my wrists over to the 'punishment desk', aka a desk where the teacher can chain down a student and beat obedience and god into them and the student can do nothing because their parents signed a document that allows it.

He chains my wrists onto the table and grabs the metal yard stick but stops and makes eye contact with me for a moment. "You know, you're the only student who has ever had to use the punishment desk more than once in this entire school" he points out.

"No shit sherlock" I mutter. He huffs and rolls his eyes before lifting up my skirt and bringing the metal ruler down quickly and painfully. I bite my arm to hold in a pained whimper as tears pricked my eyes.

He brings the ruler down once more and I jolt forward, making the desk bang into the wall. A tear slipped down my face as I tried to do something I haven't done before and try to doge the next hit because the third and final hits hurt the worst, and always leave deep welts on my ass.

The ruler snaps once it makes contact and ricochets off of the desk. The part that snapped off hit Mr.Iero on his thigh with the sharp part, ripping his pants and making him bleed. "Fuck" he hisses, throwing the other half down to the floor.

"Six months lunch and after school detention, now head to your desk and be quiet!" He shouted at me while unlocking my wrists. I glare at him but do as he says, fuck now I have to deal with him for two hours strait because his class is the one right before lunch. I sigh, aggravated at this asshole and sit down.

I go to my Twitter account and post about what he just did to me. You see, at the very beginning of this class I started a special Twitter account about how hot he was, posting pictures of him, and eventually talking about all of the times he's beaten my ass raw, gaining the attention of the link community and giving me a hearty amount of followers.

Almost immediately I get notifications about how most of my followers wish he would do it them, excetra, excetra. I sigh and put my head down to wait until class was over.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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