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Become Karkat Vantas

The past few weeks have been insane. Dave got in multiple fights. Was never expelled. John almost finished the year book. Jade got ten new members of her gardening club. Rose started a club for LGBTQ+ people and Dave is the co-owner. Never expected that huh? Neither did I. I've been running around back and forth. Everywhere helping teachers. Today marks the day I finally go over to friends house for a holiday. For the first time!! Crazy right?! John is having Thanksgiving with his dad and decided to invite Dave, Rose, Jade, and I. We're excited to see what'll happen because, you know. I've never hung out with anyone before for a holiday.  I pack up some stuff because when I meant holiday. I meant the whole break "holiday". I check to make sure I have a sleeping bag and normal sleeping essentials. Most just a pillow, blanket, and my stuffed animal crab. 

"K9tk9t! Tim6 t9 g9!!" My brother Kankri yells for me. Oh shit. Time to go. I grab my bag and run down the stairs. Tomorrow, Free day. The next day, Thanksgiving. The day after that, Friday. Then a weekend to relax. I check myself. I'm wearing an oversized red sweater, the flower crown, black jean shorts, and my checkered converse. Kankri walks me out the door. I run down the street to John's house. He is already waiting outside when I get there. 

"Hey Karkat!! C'mon in!!" John waves me over and directs me into his house. I immediately toss my bag down and jump on the couch. Sweet, sweet, couch cushions. John pokes me on the head.

"We're going into my room silly. My dad will get annoyed if he see's us mess up his couch." He grabs my arm and drags me up the stairs. B-But... the couch cushions... why...?  I reach for the cushions but fail as John tugs my body up the stairs. I must be surprisingly light because John is carrying me up the stairs just fine. When he gets up the stairs he outs me down.

"You're heavy!" Guess not. All of a sudden there's a flash of light and Dave is here. Speedy ass bastard. He leans over me.

"Do you need to be carried or something? C'mon Karkles." I growl at him. Dave chuckles. He's started calling me nicknames. They make me feel cute and dumb at the same time. I don't show it though. As far as he should know, I hate them.


"Not unless you get up and join John and I in his room shorty." He jumps around me before walking away. Challenge accepted. I'll stay on the fucking floor. All day. Try me bitch. I stay on the floor in silence for a few minutes.

"Awwe c'mon Dave. Why'd ya gotta go say that? Now he'll never get up." John says peaking his head out from behind his doorway. Dave  sticks his head above his.

"Comical purposes. I'm not serious..." Dave's voice trails off

"Well you did this so you have to pick him up." John gestures to me.

"Fine." Dave groans and walks over to me. He looks me up and down. A red substance drips from his nose-. Not again. C'mon man. I can't keep stopping his bloody noses. He's gotta get it cauterized or something. Not my problem. But... we're not at the hospital. I stick my arm up and stop the bleeding. 

"Thanks... I uhh. Are you not wearing pants..?"

"I HAVE SHORTS ON YOU PERVERT." I shake my legs which slides the sweater down. My black shorts are revealed.

"Sorry. Those things are so short did you get them from the kids section or something?"


"Low quality if you ask me. Alright up you go." Dave grabs my arms and pulls me to my feet. Oh. Shit. Too close. On the way up I slide closer to him and end up bumping into his chest. I push away as fast as I can and go into John's room. That made me feel all weird inside. Dave follows behind slowly. I jump on Johns bed and bounce around.

"Did I scare you or something?" Dave pokes his head in the room. I glare at him and stop bouncing.

"ASSHOLE." I say. John looks back and forth as we talk.

"Hey. I'm not the one blushing." Wha-! Hey! I-I'm not-... am I..? I do feel kinda heated. I cover my face with my hands and curl up into ball. God dammit why does this happen? There's no possible way I'm flushed for him. Right? Right??? Noo... I don't wanna fall in love! Do I? Ugh!! 

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" I hide inside the sweater. I do wanna fall in love just... why him?? He's a trouble maker. I'm the nerdy kid. He's supposed to be with a popular girl. I'm supposed to be alone forever.... m-.. maybe it could work? No! What am I saying?? I'm supposed to be honest but I can't be honest to myself. I don't know if he can be nice or not. As far as I know he's an asshole.

"Hey... Karkat. You dreaming of me or something?" Dave says smoothly. Fuck! Why'd I have to say 'I'm supposed to be honest'?! Noooooo. I uncurl myself from under the sweater.

"SO WHAT IF I AM?!" I glare draggers at him. John puts a hand to his mouth. Silence fills the room. Like everyone is frozen in place. 

"I'M GOING TO THE BASEMENT TO PLAY POOL WITH YOUR DAD." I stand up and leave the room. Their shocked faces look towards the ground. I head down stairs. I grab two hair ties from my pocket. I tie the sweater up and put my bangs back into a messy, stubby ponytail. It's like a bunnies tail but... messed up. I shrug before walking down to the basement.

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