Welcome to hell b*tches.

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Let's start with you... Dave.

"Bro I already told you I'm not going to that preppy ass private high school!" I slam the door on my brother Dirk.

"David Elizabeth Strider. You were excepted into this high school because of your grades! Also the fact that you were expelled from 6 schools and this high school is welcoming enough to let you in senior year!" Dirks katana goes right through the door.

"They're charging us nothing! Blow your shot and I'm kicking you out." He kicks his katana sending my door flying forward into my room. Dirk pauses. Holy shit he broke my door.

"Dave I'm sorry... just please. Go to the school. You have one year left... you can make friends. Just don't get expelled again. Little man I'm counting on you. Don't let me down. Don't let your family down. Y-You'll have Rose there. Your sister will keep you company. Please go." Dirk runs his hands through his whiteish blonde hair. I can tell he's trying. Dirk has a temper. He promised he wouldn't lose it. He did. It's my fault. The Karma was my door.

"Alright bro... just. Please put my door back before next week. Or else I won't make promises." I grab my bag and sigh loudly. Dirk chuckles.

"Okay I'll get it fixed. Just remember to try." Dirk grabs his katana and pulls it out of the door.

"Also get your uniform on quickly. I want you to be early." He tosses me a bundle of clothes. I look through them. Awwe man this stuff is trash. Though I could probably pull off a nice look. Dirk leaves my doorless room and lets me change. I put on my uniform. Which is a dark blue sweater vest over a white blouse and a navy blue tie. The pants are black... ish. Like an odd dark grey.  I loosen the tie and unbutton my blouse a bit. There. Now it looks better and feels better. I put my earbuds in and my music on shuffle. I check myself in the mirror. My tan skin and freckles look kinda weird in the lighting. The white tint on my blonde hair is hard to see. My shades are also to blame for that, but I can't take them off so I have to deal.

"Dave c'mon!!" Dirk shouts from down stairs. I rush out of my room and head down stairs. Rose is reading her book. She gives me a half hearted smile before heading out the door. I put on my shoes and hold my bag tightly. God this is gonna be terrible.

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