Hahaha suck it

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Become John Egbert

Did he really just agree to that...?! Does Karkat like Dave? Does Dave like Karkat? Am I the only straight person here? A flash of light hits my window and Rose appears. She see's us frozen there. Rose shrugs and flicks Dave in the head.

"Ow! What the fuck Rose?!"

"That's What You Get For Leaving Without Me." She leaves the room. Dave and I turn to each other. Dammit I am the only straight person here. A loud voice approaches my window. Is my window like a new form of transportation or something? I open my window and look outside. Wtf...?! Jade pokes her head out from on top of my roof.

"Hey John!!" Jade says. I back up and let her climb in.

"Soooooo... did it happen..?" Jade rocks back and forth on her heels.

"Did what happen?" I ask. Jade adjusts her glasses.

"Oh nothing!!" She smiles and sits down on my bed. I sit on the floor. Dave is already sitting too. I don't know what weird bullshit is happening today. But I need to get rid of this awkwardness.

"Alright let's go downstairs and see what Rose is up to." I stand up immediately after sitting down. Jade stands up as well. Dave hesitates but eventually stands up.  We walk down stairs.

"Rose?? Huh. Guess she's in the basement  with Karkat. C'mon guys!" I lead us down into the basement. 

"Child where did you gain these skills?!?!" I recognize my Dad's voice.

"A TRUE MASTER NEVER REVEALS HIS SECRETS." I then recognize Karkat's voice. Woah shit. Did Karkat beat my dad?! I pick up pace. He did omfg!! I examine the room first. The pool table is right in front of the stairs. Behind the pool table is the bar. To the right of the stairs is the huge water bed we have. To the left is our giant living room with carpets, couches, and a flat screen. My dad notices we've all come down and leaves. When Dave, Jade, and I fully walk down the stairs, Karkat is already chilling on the water bed with Rose. I join him. Jade and Dave don't. They just kinda stand there.

"Hey Dave! Can I talk to you for a minute?" Jade pulls Dave aside. They turn a corner. I look at Karkat. He shushes me before getting up and listening in on the conversation. His expression changes from mischievous to surprised. He puts a hand to his mouth. I think I see tears forming in his eyes. Wtf is happening. I join Karkat in listening.

"I don't know how to tell Karkat. My heart pounds every time I'm around him. He's so adorable and he makes it hard to not love him. How do I even tell him how I feel...?!"

"So it did happen... well try and play it cool."

"What if I lose him? I can't risk it."

"I know he feels the same Dave! It's not like he would go and say that stuff for no reason. Karkat doesn't toy with peoples feelings like that."

"I-... Alright." I hear silence. Karkat and I quickly race back to the water bed. Dave and Jade walk out a few minutes after.

"Ummm. Do you guys wanna watch a movie or something?" I suggest. Ooooo I could set this up. Karkat and Dave sit together. Ooo. I tap Rose and whisper my plan in her ear. She raises an eyebrow but nods. 

"Sure. What movie?" Dave asks.

"Maybe A Horror Movie Or... Perhaps A Romcom?" 

"Depends on Karkat." I turn to Karkat. He shrugs.

"Horror it is." Jade says. She prances over to the TV and grabs the remote. She turns it on and immediately goes to Netflix. Maybe I should rethink my plan. Yeah. I sprawl out of the couch. Jade and Rose do too. We leave only the part of the couch that is made to look like a bed. Mwahaha. I goofily wink at Jade. She winks back. See she knows Karkat was listening. She knows everything. That's what makes Jade awesome. Dave takes up the entire bed ish part of the couch.  Damn he's got this down. Karkat pauses. He looks at us. Sighs. Then sits on the floo-. Shit. Nooo my plan was ruined. Jade selects a movie and presses play. 

"Yo Kitkat. You can sit on the couch." Dave leans forward and whispers.

"NO ITS FINE... I'M USED TO IT BEING CROWDED DURING MOVIES..." Karkat whispers back. Dave turns. He looks very disappointed in us.

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