Haha... it's sad.

195 6 0

Dave Strider

Dirk kicked me out after getting expelled... I miss Karkat so much. I broke my phone. Unintentionally after I told him I loved him. I need to find him. I can tell something is up. I moved in with an old friend. I've been helping him track down a guy who broke out of rehab. He's insane. My friend said he abused his ex. Destroyed the person mentally. Almost physically. He would rape them. Assault them. Almost kill them. The insane mofo is named Kamron Groten he's 6'8. Pale. Skinny. Brown hair. I got a report from someone saying they saw him following his ex to this abandoned park. 

It should be around here somewhere. Ah! There it is. I should text my friend to ask what the ex's name is. I hope I find them before he does.

DS: hey dude. What was the name of his ex again?

AR: why do you need it?

DS: wanna find the ex before he finds them. Don't wanna risk any deaths.

AR: oh okay. Give me a sec.


AR: Hey uhh Dave.

DS: what is it?

AR: Don't you have a friend named Karkat Vantas?

DS: ...

DS: I have to go.

AR: what why? Do you see him?

DS: get back up to my location immediately.

No. There's no fucking way. That dude is stalking Karkat... please no. This better be a lie. I exit my car and grab my katana. No. No. No. I take out an old camera to track heat. This way. I sprint. Two heat signatures right, here... 

Karkat Vantas

Fuck. My magick isn't activating because I'm afraid. Fuck! 

"Why have you been leaving the house so often...?" He whispers in my ear.

"You keep getting out of reach. I can't touch you as much." Kamron runs his boney fingers across the edges of my ears. I shudder. I whip around and back away. My nails scrape against his skin... oh no. Not again.

"Y-you little shit." He clutches the cut.

"YOU'RE INSANE. LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!! PLEASE!!"  He lunges at me. I dodge.

"C'mere little one! Let me taste your skin!" He pulls out a knife and starts swinging at me.

"STOP." The knife grazes my neck. A cut forms and blood drips out. It gets on the knife. He runs his tongue against the knife. Ew. 

"I'd almost forgotten how you smell. Isn't that funny?" He lunges forward again. He pins me to the dirt.

"Did you really think you could run away?!" He cackles loudly.

"PLEASE KAMRON LEAVE ME ALONE!!"  I kick him square in the human testicles. He flinches. Fuckkk!! He punches me. Kicks me. Cuts me. Bruises and cuts form on every bit of skin visible.

"You'll pay for that." Kamron slams his lips onto mine. Can't his existence be enough of a burden.. My body tenses. I keep trying to fight back but I can't. He bites into my neck. His teeth are sharp. I go to cover it. I curl up in a ball on my side. Wait. He's off me. Oh thank fuck. A flash of light blurs my vision. I hide my head. 

"PLEASE...! JUST GO AWAY..." I mumble as the pain fills my side. The air around me is blowing my hair.

"Karkat...?" I open my eyes.

"D-DAVE...?" He looks down at me. I almost didn't recognize him. He put the shades on his head. The red shine of his eyes meet mine. Police sirens flash in the distance. I see Kamron being put into a police car. His body is limp. Thank god. He's gone. Hopefully he stays gone. Dave kneels down. He holds out a hand for me. I slowly take it. He pulls me to my feet and into a hug.

"I'm so sorry..." 


"I won't, I won't. C'mon. Let's go to my car and get you fixed up until your magick works again." Dave picks me up. I burrow my face in his shoulder. Finally back with him. Finally warm. Finally... All my problems go away. He opens the car door and sits me down in the passenger seat. Dave grabs some bandages from the back seat. He closes all the doors and wraps my arms and legs. My face wasn't hit thankfully. I find myself staring directly at Dave's eyes. They're so pretty. Our eyes lock. He chuckles.

"Sorry about my eyes...." Dave looks away and keeps wrapping up my arms.

"NO. DON'T APOLOGIZE. THEY'RE BEAUTIFUL." I say. He pauses. He glances to me quickly and keeps going. 

"DID... DID I SAY SOMETHING WRONG...?" I did didn't I? Fuck. Why do I alway mess shit up? Ughhh.

"N-No.... alright. All done. Buckle in... I'll drive you home..." Dave finishes bandaging my arm. I buckle in. I stare outside. God dammit. I'm so stupid. He's gonna leave me again. I should've  let Kamron kill me. Why can't I just be helpful. The car starts and we drive to my house.

"I SAID SOMETHING DIDN'T I...? FUCK IT I MESSED THIS UP AGAIN?! I'M SO SORRY. IT'S ALL MY FAULT." I rub my neck accidentally. The make up comes off to reveal a dark pink mark around my neck. The mark that summarizes these last couple months. 

"SHIT..!" I pull my shirt up to cover my neck. Dave doesn't notice. I sigh. He just keeps driving. When we get to my house he comes to violent stop. We're silent.

"You didn't say anything wrong. You didn't mess it up. And it's not your fault! It's mine! I left! I was being an asshole!!" Dave punches the car door and falls back in his seat. He puts his hands over his face. C'mon Karkat say something I search the sky. What th-. I point to a cloud.

"HEY. THAT CLOUD KINDA LOOKS LIKE A PENIS." Dave moves his fingers and peers out at the cloud. 

"Holy shit it does..." He laughs. I do too. Haha. It does. I lean to my side to catch myself from laughter. Dave leans towards me. Our faces meet inches apart. We retreat back to the seats. My face is heating again. This old feeling. I remember our first kiss. I felt so free. So relaxed. I miss that. He looks at my neck. 

"Karkat what's that...?" He leans across the seat and pulls my shirt away from my neck. He runs his hand across the pink mark. Ow ow ow. Fuck change the subject

"... W-WANNA GO GET SOME ICE CREAM..?" I suggest. He looks at me blankly.

"U-Uhh. Sure." I smile at his response. He starts the car again and we drive to an ice cream place a few blocks down. That's where we had our first date. It sounds lame. But it was amazing. We pull up and get out. We're pretty quiet. When we get the ice cream the lady behind the counter notices the bandages.

"Is everything okay..?" She asks.


"Oh I'm sorry. I hope you can find someone better." She smiles brightly. We get ice cream and leave. We walk down the street. Watching cars go by. The warm air is nice. But the cloudy sky isn't the best. I'm about halfway through my ice cream when a group of kids walks by. Like new seniors. One stops in front of me.

"Hey freak. Give me your ice cream or else." He says. Dave goes to stand up but I stop him. I hand over the ice cream to the kid but before he touches it I turn it and let it smudge on his hand. He slaps me. I don't even smile the whole time. I just let him hit me. He keeps walking with his friends. I sit there in silence. This is my purpose huh...? To get beat down. To get destroyed. Inside and outside. My head spins. I start blacking out. My body falls back and hits the concrete.

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