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As slow down in the traffic, I get anxious about the time. I can't be late on my first day.

30 minutes later, we arrived at the building. After tipping the driver, I head inside and go straight to the meeting room.

When I walk in I sit down and my boss turns around. Glaring at me.

"Are you okay boss?" I ask quietly, not wanting to look him in the eyes.

"No I'm not Min-Sun," He replied, his brows furrowing and his glare become more intimidating by the second.

I'm shaking, have I already messed up?

My boss takes a long look at my face before bursting out in laughter, saying something about a prank. Now I realise, he was tricking me this whole time.

'Who knew my boss was a joker' I think to myself, laughing slightly.

He stood from his chair and headed towards the door.. "should we get going?" He asks

"Yes" I reply.

He directs me down a few corridors, until we reach a door with 'PENTAGON' in block writing across the front.

He turns to me and shakes my hand "good luck," he says as he walks back to his study. Leaving me confused.

Stepping closer to the door, I knock a few times. Waiting for an answer. At last someone opens the door. It is the small boy, Jinho, I think. He invites me in and tells me to sit down while he makes a drink. I sit on the couch awkwardly waiting, not knowing what to do with myself when at last my blank thoughts are interrupted by footsteps.

I turn around to see Yeoone and Yanan walk into the living room. I smile and greet them. They come over and sit next to me on the couch.

"So how have you been?" Yeoone asks.

"Good thank you, what about you?" I reply quietly.

"I've been good! The boys have been so anxious for today." He smiled brightly at me.

"Oh! is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I ask him.

"Good, don't worry," The boy then told me.

I nod, yawning from the late night i'd had. Yanan tapped me and looked to his shoulder, so I rested my head on him.

"Are you sure this okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah, it's fine," he says with a laugh, "You''ll be working with us, so we should at least get comfortable around each other."

"okay," i reply, while he adjusts his height to fit mine.


a few minutes had passed, when i heard more footsteps behind me.

Hui, Yuto and Kino all came into the room. They notice i'm here and say hi. They grab a drink and sit on the couch, except Kino who stands behind me, messing around with my hair. After a while, He apologises. "Are you good with hair?" I ask him.

"I'd like to think so, I have a younger sister and i've done her hair a few times." he shrugged.

"Okay, you can braid my hair is you want" I say as i turn to him. His eyes light up and he nods to me.

The Start (#1)Where stories live. Discover now