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It's raining by the time we arrived back at Cube's building, we got soaked as soon as we stepped out of the car. 'why did i leave my jacket,' I think to myself, sighing about the weather change. I stand shivering, waiting for the other car to arrive.

The rain gets heavier, and the boys are getting impatient. After a bit, the boys decide to go to the nearby cafe, to get hot chocolate. "Are you coming?" Jinho asks, as the boys turn around.

"No, i'll wait for the others to get back," i reply with a smile.

"But you'll get sick," he says back.

"Ya, just go and get drinks. i'll be fine," I laugh when i see his serious face.

"Fine, but you need to go in as soon as possible," he tells me before joining the boys "if i had a jacket i'd give it to you. i'm sorry."

I look down the road, waiting for the other group to turn up. Within seconds, the cold was worse, but i was suddenly consumed by a big warm jacket. I turned around to see who gave me it, but the street was empty. I shrug and put the jacket on, getting engulfed in the material. A strong scent of cologne hits me, the clean scent is perfect.

'why does perfume make me feel like this' i smile to myself.

I see the car finally pull up, and the boys all hop out. They run over to me, and Hongseok wraps me up in a hug. "where are the others? did they leave you out here?"He asks.

"They went to get hot chocolate for us" i quickly respond, not wanting him to worry.

"oh" he says back suspiciously.

"besides, someone gave me their jacket, so I've been warm" i quietly say.

"Who?" Yanan asks with a mischievous grin.

"I don't know, they put it on my shoulders and when i turned around, the street was empty," I tell him and Yeoone starts laughing.

"He couldn't even give you a jacket properly" Yanan sighs.

"Oh do you mean -" Yuto starts to say but is cut off by Hui's hand over his mouth.

'That's it,' i think to myself.

I storm away from the group to sit on the steps.

The others finally return, and we go inside. I put my stuff on the floor, and walk to the bathroom. I slam the door, and sit down on the cold floor - I can't help but cry. Maybe it's the anger or maybe i'm ill from the weather but either way, the tears just kept falling.

There's a knock at the door, and i can hear a voice through the door. Hongseok.

"Sunshine, please talk to me," he pleads through the wood.

"I just don't want to kept in the dark, Hongie," I say back to him

"What do you mean?" he replies.

"first the bracelet, then the jacket and now everyone is acting weird." I sob.

"Please open the door." I can hear him tearing up.

"Not until someone tells me what's going on" I reply, choking on my words.

"I can't tell you Sunny, i'm so sorry. It's not right" He tells me.

"I'm meant to be working with you, not getting messed around and upset like this." I retaliate.

I hear him sigh behind the door.

"I know it's hard not knowing, but just give it time and you will find out." He tries to reassure me by telling me not to worry.

The Start (#1)Where stories live. Discover now