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- Min-Sun's pov -

Auntie, Suji and I walk back into the living room to the boys preparing a meal.

"I'm shocked," I say as I have a look at what they're making.

Some of them laugh in response, others are focusing hard on the food.

"Noona, can you help us please?" Kino asks, giving me his puppy eyes.

"I was going to give these two a house tour, but I will after," I reply.

"I'll show them around," Hongseok tells me, "we have a lot to catch up on anyways."

I nod, and I grab an apron as the 3 travel down the corridor.

"What can I help with?" I question.

"Can you help with the preparing and stuff," Jinho asks, "I don't trust Wooseok on his own with the knives."

"Fair point," I reply as I check how he's doing.

I look around to see where the cutlery is, but I don't see it. I move to the other counter, slipping past Yanan. Suddenly Shinwon turns around to open a cupboard, trapping me.

'Why?' I think to myself.

He freezes when he realises. We're so close to each other, I'm pretty sure my cheeks are bright red. He looks around at the other members, and smirks at me.

He smirked! I've never seen him do that before.

He leaned in and quickly kissed my forehead before trying to turn back around to let me pass. Except, it proved to be quite difficult, his shoulders kept knocking people as he tried to move. My face burned from the affection, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Where are the knives?" I ask.

"At the end of the counter," he answers, finally moving to let me pass.

I grab a knife and head back to get to work.


- Hongseok's pov -

"I'll show them around," I tell Minsun. She nods and I walk over to the girls.

I put my around Suji's shoulders as we walk down the corridor.

"So you guys are staying here?" I ask,

"Oh no, I'm staying in a hotel," Auntie replies, "I have business to take care of here in Seoul, and the hotel is very close to where I'll be working."

Yes, I call her Auntie too. Minsun's family welcomed me into the family all those years ago, I basically grew up with them so I address them like that.

"Ahh, okay," I reply.

I point out each door, explaining who sleeps where, and who uses which bathroom etc etc.

"The members names are on the doors, so you know who's where," I tell them and they nod, "Minsun has her own room obviously, it's next to the spare."

I show them around, and we chat for a little longer.

"Whats the deal between Minsun and that boy?" Aunt asks, raising her eyebrows.

"His name is Shinwon, Auntie!" Suji tells her, laughing.

"It's all pretty new," I reply, "the rules about dating are pretty strict in this industry."

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