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"CORALINE FANGSTON WHERE have you been? We got a call from the school that you skipped half of your classes and now you show up at seven at night!"

The school had sold me out, giving almost no way to cover my tracks.

"I went out for fro-yo with Addison and Bree after school, that's why I'm late, but I was at school," I lie. "I don't know why they would call, I was there." A scowl was carved into my mother's face as she crossed her arms over her chest. I glanced to my father who was sitting on the couch behind her. He shrugged, giving me an apologetic look.

My mom stalked over to me. "I would believe you, if it weren't for both of them coming over earlier and asking the same question I've been wondering all afternoon."

I could tell my face visibly paled as I cowered slightly, already knowing that she was livid.

"Who were you with?"

I stayed quiet, causing her to repeat the question, this time more firmly. I looked up, meeting her glare. "I was with one of the wolves." She scoffed at my answer. "Mom, they're not that bad. Some of them are actually nice and just want to—"

"That's not the point, Coraline! The more you're with them, the more they know about you!"

"Why can't people know about me? I'm tired of having to hide all the time and not be who I am! I'm tired of being alone!" I admit, my voice cracking as I spoke.

"You're not alone," she argues. "You have us." She gestured between herself and my dad.

"It's not the same! You're not wolves! They have a pack. There's people who accept them, who will accept me." I look between both of my parents and see my mother's face soften. "I understand why you made me hide who I was before, but things have changed. I'm not the only one anymore."

My dad stands and walks over to us, gently setting his hands on my mom's shoulders. "She's right, Cassidy." He looks to me. "It's time she was able to be herself. Coraline shouldn't have to hide just because we're scared." She sighed and grabbed his hand with her own.

"Once people know, you aren't going to be able to take it back," she warned.

"I wouldn't want to," I confirm. "So...no more hiding?" I look between them as my mom smiles softly.

"No more hiding, Coraline."

"Where were you?" Addison asked. "Are you okay? We got so worried we went to your house, but your parents—" I cut Bree off by pulling her and Addison into a hug.

"I'm okay, guys—better than okay, actually." I pull away. "I need to show you guys something. Where's Zed, Bonzo, and Eliza?"

"They're on their way. They should be here any minute," Addison informed me.

"Can you text them to meet us in the gym?" I looked down to the time on my phone. "It should be empty since cheer practice doesn't start 'til third period." She nodded and texted the three.

"So, where were you yesterday? I saw you in class before we left for lunch, but that was it." Bree furrowed her eyebrows. "Wait, you and Wyatt, you two were the last ones in class," she gasped. "Did you two go and hang out or something?"

"Ooh," Addison teased. "Something going on there?" She nudged my shoulder, earning a giggle from Bree. I rolled my eyes at them as we began to walk to the gym. "He's cute, I say go for it."

"There's nothing going on. We're just friends."

"So, you were with him!" The two girls grinned as if they'd figured out the mystery of the decade. "There's still a while before Prawn. Anything can happen," Bree giggled.

My eyes were vibrant blue as my claws extended and my canines grew to be sharp and elongated. I could feel my ears turn into a point as I turned to face my friends. "Ta-da," I said quietly, earning a few gasps from the group. "I wanted to tell you guys a long time ago, but my parents didn't think it was safe. I'm sorry," I apologize.

"I knew it," Eliza commented, shrugging as I looked to her. "What? It makes sense. You could hear things that we couldn't, you could smell fro-yo from two blocks away. It's literally the only explanation."

"It does make more sense why you didn't want to help me put my silver necklace on," Addison added with a small laugh.

"Or clean the trophies on volunteer day," Zed added. "Does this mean your parents are werewolves, too?"

"Zed, she's adopted," Eliza deadpanned, swatting his arm lightly. He murmurs a small is forgot' as he rubbed his arm, making me stifle a laugh as I shifted back.

"So does this mean you guys aren't mad?" I asked. My friends shook their heads.

"Coraline sespa distag argar glastey urself," Bonzo said, making me glance to Bree for a translation.

"He said he's proud you're going to be yourself." Bree looked to the rest of our friends. "We all are, Coraline. I'm so happy for you!" Bree practically tackled me in a hug which caused the others to join in.

"I'm really glad that you guys are okay with this, but we can stop hugging now. I can't really breathe," I said after a moment, laughing with them as the backed up and the bell rang. "I'll see you guys later?"

They all nodded and we left to go to our first classes.

"This is getting out of hand," I mutter, glancing around the library at the pack who had been crowding around Addison, Bree, and I since study hall started.

"Hey! That dog just ate my homework!" Bree whined as Wynter stuffed a piece of paper into her mouth. I shrugged apologetically as I sat across from her, popping the gum in my mouth.

Addison joined our table as Willa slammed a stack of books onto it. "Lies!" she shouted. "These history books claim that werewolves attacked Seabrook settlers, but they struck first and stole our moonstone!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that," Addy excused.

"There's a lot you don't know," Willa snipped back.

"How was she supposed to know?" I turned in my chair to face her. "It was way before any of us were born." Off to the side, I could see Wyatt giving me a look, silently saying not to start anything with their alpha. "Not to be mean, or anything, just..." I trailed off as she glanced down to me.

Willa didn't say anything, she just picked up the books and began walking away.

"I know the alarm is gonna go off if you don't check out those books!" Addison called out after her. Willa pulled the necklace off of her neck and threw it at the security scanner, causing a blue energy to glow around the object as she walked through without the alarm going off. She grabbed the necklace and slipped it back on.

"Our necklaces have a way with electronics," Wyatt spoke up, grabbing another book off the table and walking off after Willa, taking the remaining wolves with him.

Bree looked to Addy and I. "That was a bit extra."

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