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CORALINE AND WYATT sat beside each other, their hands entwined in a tight grip as they listened to the principal say any final words she had. Both were nervous and excited, relying on each other for the support they needed.

It had been a few years since the wolves had integrated into Seabrook. It had been a long and eventful journey, but everyone learned to get along; unity among humans, zombies, and werewolves was normal and strictly enforced when it wasn't upheld. The days of being afraid and divided were over.

"And with that being said, I present to you...the graduating class of Seabrook High School!" Principal Lee announced, a wide grin on her face as she began clapping for the class.

The graduation caps flew into the air. Wyatt and Cora cheered as he picked the girl up and spun her around before planting a soft kiss on her cheek. The students began hugging and some even crying while their friends consoled them with bittersweet, teary smiles on their faces. Others jumped for joy, glad they were finally getting out of the horrendous place called high school. Willa was one of those people, celebrating and completely satisfied with the fact that she wouldn't have to wake up so early.

Wynter, on the other hand, wasn't one of those people. Much like Bree, she was sad that her time in high school was over. The two embraced as they beckoned Addison to come as join them, seeing as the cheerleader was also a bit teary-eyed.

Zed celebrated with Eliza and Bonzo, all of them happy that they'd gotten through the years together. Pride shone on Zed's face as he inwardly reminisced at all they had accomplished. Although he didn't get the school named after him, the picture of himself and Addison gleamed on the Prawn Wall of Fame as a symbol of the unity that they'd forged within the town; a change that would echo on throughout future classes as they passed through the halls of Seabrook High.

Coraline wiped the few tears that had fallen down her cheeks before embracing Bree and Addison, quietly whispering to them how much she loved the two girls that had become like family to her. Willa tugged her into a hug afterwards, grinning ear-to-ear and saying how good the girl had done on her makeup, encouraging her not to ruin it with tears as a way to make her feel better.

Wynter quickly emerged from a small crowd of people, a tissue in her hand as she gently patted it on Coraline's face, claiming that she had come prepared before pulling Willa and her into a hug as they laughed.

Eliza, Zed, and Bonzo came next, the last of the trio wrapping his arms around Coraline before doing the same to Zed and Eliza, muttering a few things in zombie tongue before releasing them. They said a few more words, everyone joking around and joining in the conversation of fun times they'd had. Everyone pitched in stories they had of the years they'd spend at Seabrook High, whether they were funny or how they became part of a team or friends with someone.

At this point, the large friend group had even gotten Willa to shed a tear, causing them to all laugh and joke about it.

The wolf wiped the tear off her cheek, chuckling as she looked around the group. "I think this calls for some fro-yo. What do you guys say?"

The group had gotten their frozen treats, but soon it got late and everyone decided it was time to head home. With an exchange of goodbyes and the promise of hanging out soon, they'd went their separate ways.

Coraline and the others headed back to the den. The wolves planned to finish the night on a good note and celebrate with their family. This plan eventually led to Wyatt and Cora getting roped into a fortune telling from Ada, one of the pack elders.

The two once again sat beside one another with their hands wound together tightly, earning a small smile from the elder.

The woman held a thick, blue stone in her hand. It was similar to the one that showed prophecy of the Great Alpha, except it was a bit more round. Ada set them stone on the table she sat at, covering it up with her hands to where only she could peer inside. She moved her palms around it in a stereotypical fortune teller way, causing the two younger wolves to chuckle at her actions.

"Don't laugh, this actually works sometimes," she giggled, taking a closer glance inside before she slowly peeled her hands away and beckoned for Wyatt and Cora to look closer.

Two black figures stood beside one another for a moment before they stepped away and placed what seemed to be a baby on the ground. Before their eyes, the baby grew up and formed into a toddler, then a little kid. The two figures grabbed the child's hands, each holding one as they all stood together.

"I see prosperity and a good future for you both," she said softly as the image faded back to the blue of the stone. "A happy family, a strong family..." Ada trailed off, her hands wafting around the stone once more as she smiled at the images it had shown the two.

Wyatt looked over to Coraline, a proud smile on his face as he rubbed his thumb over her hand. The girl squeezed his hand as they both nonchalantly showed their excitement.

"Wait," Ada spoke up, making the alpha and beta look to her and the stone. The family showed up again, except this time, they morphed to dust and fell to the ground. "The future...this is showing that the future can be changed." The stone was then taken over with a haze of grey before it shifted back into figures again.

It showed two opposing groups of people, one having the familiar glow of the moonstones the pack wore around their neck, while the others' eyes began to glow a cold blue. Not waiting another moment, the two sides charged at one another. Right before they could make contact though, they evaporated into mist and the stone cleared to its original color.

Coraline flinched, not expecting the vision to be that serious or violent. "What—what's that mean?" she asked, her voice breaking slightly as she looked to Ada. The elder was waving her hands around the stone again as she shook her head.

"I can't—I can't see your future past that anymore," Ada informed, continuing to shake her head.

"Ada, what does that mean?" Wyatt asked firmly, his chest tightening in worry. The elder wolf didn't answer as she desperately tried to see anything through the stone. Her actions only made the beta worry more, making a low growl sound out through his chest. "Ada, tell us. What does it mean?" Wyatt asked again, his voice stiffer and tougher than before.

The woman looked between the two young wolves, wishing that she could tell them anything but the truth.

"Ada. It's okay. Tell us," Coraline assured, biting the inside of her cheek unintentionally as she waited for an answer.

The older werewolf let out a shaky breath, her eyes falling down to the table. "There is something coming that threatens your future. If it isn't stopped, there may not be a future where you're alive."

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