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"YOU SEEM UNUSUALLY happy. What's up?" Eliza asked, cleaning up the table we'd done our chemistry experiment on.

"Nothing. Just ready to go home," I cover, stuffing my notebook and pencil into my backpack.

"Yeah," she said doubtfully. "That's not it. Tell the truth."

I put my bag on and sighed. "Coach talked the mayor into letting him reopen his stand in Zombietown, so Wyatt asked me to go get fro-yo with him after school," I admitted, a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth as I said the words.

"I knew something was going on with you two. It must be the chemistry you guys got," she emphasized her joke, holding up an empty beaker and causing me to roll my eyes.

"That was almost as bad as the jokes Zed's dad makes, Eliza." I took the beaker from her and set it on the shelf against the wall.

"Glad you enjoyed it," she smiled as the bell rang. I waited as she grabbed her things before we left and walked through the school to the front entrance. My eyes immediately found Wyatt as we walked into the courtyard. He was leaning against the stair railing, a small smile on his face.

"I'll see you later, Liza," I called out as I walked down the stairs and met him.

"Yeah, you better keep your paws to yourself, buddy!" Eliza shouted to him, making me wince.

"Eliza," I said in an embarrassed manner. She shrugged and waltzed off her own way. "Sorry," I apologized quietly. "She's just—she's just Eliza."

He chuckled. "It's fine. Uh, you ready?" I nodded with a smile. Wyatt looked down to me, lifting his hand up and holding it out for me to take in an unsure manner. I giggled lightly to myself and gently took his hand in mine, entwining our fingers.

"You seem nervous," I tease him.

"I'm not nervous," he responds quickly and sighs a moment afterwards. "Okay, so maybe just a bit, but I heard you were all happy last period," he pointed out, causing me to furrow my eyebrows. "Wonder why that could be."

"Did you spy on me?" I scoff playfully. "Using wolf-hearing to spy on me is cheating," I laugh, giving the boy a pointed look before I shrug. "But go ahead, sue me for being happy."

"Hey, you called me out first."

"I still can't believe you've never had fro-yo before. You liked it, right?"

"I loved it," he confirmed as we walked, a smile on his face.

"So, as much as I hate to remind you about everything that's going on...what are you guys going to do about Addison and the moonstone?" My tone became a worried one, causing him to squeeze my hand lightly.

"We're going to bring her to the den tonight. Willa wants to see if she's the Great Alpha." He looked to me. "You wanna come?"

I shake my head. "I don't want to intrude. It's really none of—"

"C'mon. I think it'd be good if you were there for her...and I'd like it if you came," he revealed.

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