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"LEGEND SAYS THAT together, our pack can move the stone."

"All of us, lift!" At that, the pack places their hands under the stone, everyone giving each other a nod of confirmation before we all try to lift the stone out of its position. We get it a few inches above its placement, but ultimately can't lift it on our own.

"It's too heavy," Wynter sighs.

"There isn't enough of us," I panic, glancing around at the pack. The wolves were getting more worried by the second as more tremors from the fault line began to shake the ground again. My eyes landed on Wyatt, his gaze holding the same unease that mine must have.

"Then maybe you need to expand your pack," a voice spoke up. All of our heads turned to see Addison walking into the room followed by zombies and cheerleaders.

"Addison?" Willa asked, a surprised tone in her voice.

"We came here to help. Come on, everyone! We got this!" Addison encouraged, causing the rest of the people she brought with her to crowd around the stone and grab onto it, ready to lift. "Hurry, before it's too late! Together! Lift!" We all raised the stone at the same time and were able to move it, but another tremor caused us to drop it back down. My eyes landed on the way we came into the room.

"The chamber collapsed." I looked to Wyatt. "That's just perfect," I mutter sarcastically, swallowing thickly as another wave of uneasiness swept over me.

"We can't carry the moonstone through," he concluded.

"Your z-band!" Eliza announced, turning to Zed. "It's still broken. Zed, take it off and lift the slab. Okay, you can do this," she tried to convince him.

"I'm not ready!" Zed argued, pulling his wrist into his chest. "What if I can't control it?"

The ground shook with another tremor, causing the lights in the ceiling to flicker even more than before. It wouldn't be much longer before the room caved in on itself with the weight of everything above it.

"Zed, you have to." Addison set her hand on his shoulder, silently encouraging the zombie to listen and look to everyone that was relying on him in that moment. With a sigh, the boy looked to his wrist. Flipping his hand over, he unclipped the band and veins began to appear all over his skin as his eyes darkened and he let out a growl.

"Yes!" Wynter shouted, pride for the zombie becoming who he truly was lacing her exclamation.

"C'mon, you can do this!" Eliza told him again. He shook his head, trying to focus before turning to the blocked door. He leaned down and grabbed the bottom of the slab before lifting it above his head.

"The stone, hurry!" I shouted, everyone responding quickly by grabbing it and hoisting it above us before walking it out of the room and past Zed. We set it down as soon as we hear a loud crashing noise. My eyes widen as the slab covered the entrance to the room again with no Zed standing outside of it. "No!" I yell, my hands going to cover my mouth in disbelief.

Dust clouded the entire walkway, causing none of us to be able to see anything.

"Zed!" Addison shoved her way to the front, looking to the door worriedly. The space became quiet for a few moments, no one moving as we waiting for the dust to clear. Addy waited, moving closer to see if she could get a better look.

A small, bright light showed up in the dust, beeping noises accompanying it as a tall figure stepped forward. Zed emerged with his z-band on his wrist with a smile, immediately going to Addison and pulling her into a hug. The girl let out a relieved sigh, returning it gratefully. "Zed, are you okay?"

"Yeah," he assured. "I'm me."

"We crushed it! We nailed it! We so rock! Yes!" Wynter shouted enthusiastically, waving her hands up and down as she celebrated. Everyone looked to the girl as she did so. She noticed and glanced around, lowering her arms back to her sides. "Too much?" she asked Willa.

Willa glanced to Wyatt and I, a growing smile on her face before she looked back to the wolf. "Perfect," she complimented, a grin coming to her face. "We did it!" Willa cheered as she grinned, her fangs showing.

"Say "brains"," Eliza said, holding up her tablet to take a picture of Zed and Addison. "We're getting our first zombie on the Prawn Wall of Fame," she smiled.

The wolves and I began howling in celebration, eventually getting the zombies and cheerleaders to join in with us. Bonzo howled beside Wyatt and I, earning our attention as he said everything just right. "Hey," Wyatt spoke up. "You said that perfectly," the werewolf praised.

"Bonzo's got an ear for languages," Bree giggled, leaning against the zombie.

I chuckle at the two. "I think this is a cause for celebration." I nudge Wyatt's shoulder playfully before glancing at everyone in the room. "Who's with me?"

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