𝘣𝘰𝘯𝘶𝘴 - 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘢'𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳

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"C'MON, ADDISON. DON'T stop now. What's your third question?" Wyatt asked, tapping his foot against the ground. He'd clearly gotten too hyper from eating all of the s'mores.

The white-haired girl rested her head in her hand. "You promise you'll answer it? All of you?" Her hand dropped to her book.

"Promise," we said in unison.

"If you've been around here for so long, how've you managed to stay hidden from all of us?" she asked. "You guys can't exactly blend in like Coraline," she added.

"Well, they kind of can." I shrug. "Wyatt told me about how he had to "go undercover as a power plant worker to find the moonstone". I really wish I would've been there to see that, cause—" I quote with a laugh, but cut myself off as they look to me, clearing my throat a bit. "Carry on."

"That's easy-peasy," Wyatt said. "So a long time ago, on a very, very—"

"Dark and stormy night," Addison finished for him, quirking an eyebrow at the wolf.

"Yes?" he said questioningly. "How did you know?"

"Cause all of your stories start with a dark and stormy night," Addison pointed out with a chuckle.

"Because mysterious things don't happen when it's seventy-two and sunny," Willa quipped, a look of remembrance passing over her face after a moment. "Like this one time," she recalled.

"I had gone for a walk on a very dark, but not stormy night. Normally, I always have a snack on me, but I'd forgot this time. My only choice was to go to a nearby Seabrook Snack-N-Gas," she told, sitting up straighter. "Now, I've had human food here and there, and it's not for me, but I was a long way from home and my rumbling stomach wasn't gonna wait 'til I got home." She gestured, pointing her finger outwards and then back at her stomach.

"I used my stealth-werewolf moves to slip inside the store, grabbed a snack, and left the money by the register," she explained. "I was about to leave and go home, but the person who worked there beat me to it. I was stuck inside! By myself!" Willa grinned to herself as she recounted the events. "So, I did what anyone would've done. I tried everything!"

"Woah," I let out, earning a gleeful nod from the former alpha.

"Humans have come up with some pretty delicious things," she complimented. "I snuck out the next morning without ever being seen," Willa boasted. "Best night ever."

"Well, let's give it up for a really good story," Wynter smiled, holding her hands out and clapping widely. Wyatt and I both grinned, clapping as well.

"Good story." He nodded, giving me a high-five.

Addison let out a sigh, resting her hand back in her palm. "You guys actually didn't answer any of my questions," she complained.

"Hey, that's not completely true. I answered a few of them," I reminded her. I sighed afterwards, glancing around the circle of wolves. "The problem is that all the things you wanna know..." I trailed off, looking to Willa.

"They're all werewolf secrets," she finished.

"Guess we should've probably mentioned that before we came out here," Wyatt said, laughing lightly.

"Would've been nice." Addison nodded.

"We can never reveal those secrets unless you're a werewolf," Willa informed, setting her hands on her knees.

"Or you became a werewolf," I added, not completely realizing what I was mentioning to the cheerleader.

"Wait, did you just say "became a werewolf"?" Addison asked, jabbing her pen in my direction once she'd understood my slip up. I cleared my throat slightly, trying to ignore the question.

"Y'know, it's getting late, and we should go home," I excused, pretending to yawn before looking to Wyatt. "You ready to go? I'm ready to go." He quickly nodded as the wolves began to stand up and get ready to leave. "Addy, you should probably get home, too. Don't want your parents worrying."

"What? No, c'mon!" Addison stopped us, making everyone sit back down. "After all of this, you have to tell me something." At her words, the wolves and I all exchanged glances, silently asking each other if we should tell her anything. Wynter raised her eyebrows, showing her opinion.

"Maybe another night," Wynter smiled to her. Addison let out a small playful scoff at her answer, but ultimately knew that the secrets needed to be kept between just the werewolves and she respected it. With that, we all gathered our things and got up to leave.

Wyatt grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together as we said goodbye to Addison and walked back to the den. Wyatt laughed to himself and shook his head, swaying our conjoined hands back and forth as we walked inside. "I can't believe she thought we were telepathic."

author's note
do you guys want a sequel????

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