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THE MOONLIGHT CASTED a shadow over almost everything, making it a bit easier to get through the rest of town and near the edge of the forest.

A loud crunching noise sounded out from our left, making Wyatt and I freeze. The noise continued, signaling that we weren't the only ones walking here. He slid my bag off of his shoulder and set it down, his head turning slightly as he tried to hear a bit better.

The sound got closer as my gaze turned to a tall figure that was stalking towards us. "Wyatt," I alerted him, causing his head to snap up as he stepped closer to me. The figure got closer rather quickly, making us take a step back.

My eyes began to glow a sharp blue as my canines extended. Wyatt took this as a cue to do the same, as his eyes began to glow their golden color. We growled lowly at the person who was approaching us, causing them to quickly stop in their tracks. They held their hands up in a surrendering manner, showing they didn't mean any harm.

"Woah, guys! Chill, it's me." Zed's voice caused me to let out an annoyed sigh and let my eyes and fangs go back to their original state.

"Zed, what are you doing here?"

The zombie came closer and stopped in front of us, part of the moonlight finally casting against his face and showing who he was. He gave a smile as Wyatt scoffed, earning a small glare from me.

"I, uh...I came to—I was gonna go to the den and find you, actually, but I saw you guys walking over here." I raised my eyebrows, showing he still didn't answer my question. "I was going to find you so I could apologize."

"And you really thought that going to the den where you attacked her and the pack would be a good idea?" Wyatt asked rhetorically as he took a step closer to Zed. "You might've tried to help stop the demolition, but some of the pack still isn't over what you did."

I gently grabbed the wolf's arm, tugging him back a bit. "Wyatt," I said acutely, causing his attention to land back on me for a moment. "He just wants to apologize," I affirmed, directing the statement to just him. "It's okay."

Wyatt's hand fell down into mine and I felt a light squeeze, showing that he understood. "I'll meet you back at the den," I told him, earning a reluctant, stiff nod from the werewolf. He grabbed my bag off the ground and slipped his hand out of mine before turning and walking into the forest.

"By some of the pack, he means him," I admitted to Zed as the boy disappeared behind the shadows of the trees.

"Yeah," he laughed lightly. "I can tell. So...you and Mr. Wolf now, huh? You two seem close," he observed. I crossed my arms over my chest as I bit the inside of my cheek. "Look," he began with a sigh. "What I did was wrong. I shouldn't have just barged in and—and threatened everyone like I did. I shouldn't have taken off my z-band and gotten angry and attacked you. If I'd known it was you grabbing me, I wouldn't have done it."

"It shouldn't have mattered who it was, Zed. You shouldn't have been there in the first place. I understand that you were worried and you were trying to protect us, but you went a bit overboard," I stated. "What you did was stupid. Next time you can't find someone, try calling them first."

Zed smiled at my words, a small chuckle leaving him. "Noted," he assured. "Does this mean I'm forgiven?" he asked tentatively.

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