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THE WIND WAS cold. It was almost as if the weather knew of the dreadful situation we now faced and decided to change according to the somber mood that now hung over our heads like clouds. My eyes scanned across the vastness of the forest, watching it carefully for anything to show up.

I had shifted into my full wolf form, tail and all. I hadn't shifted like this in years and it brought some relief and distraction from what was happening.

I was on patrol for the night since Wyatt and the others who were well enough were taking care of the sicker members of the pack. At first, I insisted to stay inside and help, but after much convincing, I went outside and shifted.

It had been three hours since then, and the only thing that crossed my path was a small rabbit that simply hopped away once I tried to approach it.

"Coraline!" I heard a voice shout, making my ears perk up at the noise. I focused a bit more, pinpointing that it came from the den. "Cora!" At that, I quickly trotted back to the steps of the entrance of the cave, seeing Wyatt and a few were-pups standing next to the opening. He looked down, sending me a smile that I returned with a small howl of acknowledgement. I walked behind the large tree that I'd left my clothes behind, swiftly shifting back into my human form and pulling them back on.

I emerged from behind it and clasped my moonstone necklace back together as I went up the steps and met Wyatt and the pups near the den's entrance.

"They wanted to see how the Great Alpha turned into a wolf," he excused the kids with a laugh, passing a cup of water to me that I gratefully took. "How's patrol going so far?" I sent them a smile as Wyatt ushered them back inside.

I took a few sips of the water, sighing contently afterwards. "Good. Although, those rabbits might be getting too close to the den," I tried to joke, only earning a small chuckle from him. "I should be inside helping, not out here patrolling nothing."

"You don't need to," he said softly.

"Wyatt, yes I do. Those wolves are my pack now. I should be in there with them, helping them feel better," I argue. "I know you don't think I should see it because of my last pack, but I'm the alpha now. I plan on being the alpha no matter what."

"Cora—" Wyatt is cut off by a coughing fit, causing his eyes to glow gold as the stone on his necklace flickered yellow. He grasped at his chest as he stumbled forward. I quickly placed myself underneath his arm, supporting his weight enough for him to help me set him down. I carefully leaned the boy against the rock, holding the cup of water out to him.

He took it, drinking the remainder of the contents inside. My brows furrowed as I studied his figure, letting myself sink down beside him. "The attacks...they're getting worse already."

"I'm okay, Cora. There's wolves that are way worse off that I am," he said tiredly, running a hand through his hair as he coughed once more. He noticed my stare and let out a small sigh, knowing that I knew better. Of course, there were wolves that were worse off, but Wyatt couldn't just say that he was okay when he wasn't.

He lifted his arm and placed it around me, pulling me gently into his side as he rested his head on mine in a comforting manner. I could feel him press a small kiss into my hair, relaxing against me afterwards.

"There has to be something. Another way, maybe." I shake my head, picking at the threats that poked out from the jeans I was wearing. "I'm gonna find it and fix this," I tell him, a thought emerging in my head as I said the words. My eyes fell onto the necklace I now wore as a symbol of my unity to the pack—my pack. My jaw ticked at the idea; it wasn't a permanent solution by any means, but it would buy some of the wolves more time and help them feel a bit better. I just needed to test if it would actually work.

I reached behind my head, in unclasping the object and turning to Wyatt who now held a confused expression on his face. "Take off your necklace."

"What? Why? What are you doing?" His brows furrowed deeply as I beckoned for him to do what I said.

"Just do it." I shook my head and he sighed, reaching behind his head and taking it off, giving me a look that said 'happy now?'. I sat on my knees, leaning forward and quickly attaching the two ends of my necklace together around his neck.

"Coraline—no, wait," he protested, but I'd already done it. I let my hands fall back down to my lap, awaiting to see if my theory worked.

Wyatt's expression changed after a moment, his eyes lighting up slightly, making me smile inwardly. "Do you feel better?" I asked, earning a nod from him. "Good. Use it." I gestured to the necklace. He hesitated for a moment, making me nod to the piece of jewelry, assuring him that it was okay.

Wyatt's eyes began to glow vibrant gold as the necklace lit up a deep, rich blue color, showing it was working.

A light scoff left my lips as I ran a hand through my hair, a grin beginning to coat my face. "It works! This—this can buy the pack some more time." I practically tackled the werewolf in a hug that he reciprocated rather quickly. "I'm going to find a permanent solution, but until then, this can help." My hands fell onto his shoulders as I pulled away from him, his hands remaining on my waist. "We give it to the sickest members of the pack. We let them use it for a while, then give it to the next. It's not perfect, I know, but it's something."

"It is something," he mused, an expression I couldn't quite decipher beginning to spread across his face. "It's a good idea, Cora," he assured me. I could feel his thumb start to rub against my side gently, causing a redness to creep over my cheeks. I silently thanked the darkness of the night that surrounded us, casting shadows across my face to where he hopefully couldn't see the effects his actions had.

I cleared my throat lightly, letting my hands slide off of his shoulders and fall to my sides as I began to stand up. "I'm gonna go and—and tell the pack," I stuttered, pushing a piece of hair behind my ear. Wyatt smirked as I stood, knowing exactly why my demeanor was suddenly taken over by nervousness.

"You kind of need the necklace," he reminded, taking it off and handing it to me as he put his own back on.

I nodded awkwardly, gripping the jewelry tightly in my hand. "Yeah—right."

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