𝘣𝘰𝘯𝘶𝘴 - 𝘸𝘺𝘢𝘵𝘵'𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘴

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"OKAY, I HAVE a few questions," Addison began, tapping the notepad she'd brought with her to our small get-together.

We'd invited Addison so she could get some of her questions answered. The girl had been bothering Willa and I about it for a while now, and once the pack took a vote, we figured she earned it.

Speaking of the pack, I spent some time with the wolves and met more of the them; learning more about them, their customs, and traditions. I'd met with some of the elders as well once they'd learned that I was found and helped save the pack. It had been eventful, to say the least, but Wyatt and the other wolves were very supportive and helpful.

"My first question is about the moonstone," she smiled, glancing around the small circle we had formed around the fire pit. Wyatt was set on having a fire so he could make s'mores, claiming that they were one of his favorites, and the rest of us weren't against having the tasty dessert.

"Solid choice." Wynter nodded.

"Where did it come from?" Addison questioned, an eager expression on her face.

"I got this one," Wynter claimed. "It was a dark and stormy night—"

The wolf was suddenly cut off as Wyatt began to laugh, dropping the marshmallow he was roasting over the fire to the ground as he clapped his hands together in an amused manner. I picked up the stick the marshmallow was on before wiping it off on the rocks and placing another one of the sugary objects on the end. I raised my eyebrows at the werewolf as he laughed again.

"Oh, sorry," he apologized. "That reminds me of the time I got lost in the woods."

"Yeah, you've told that story about a thousand times," Willa deadpanned to her brother, making him lowly raise his hands in a surrendering motion.

"I know, I know. Cause I know you have, but Addison and Cora haven't," he excused, rushing out the words as he nudged my side. "You wanna hear it?" I shrugged, glancing at Addison before turning my attention back to Wyatt. I gave him a nod, telling him to get on with the story. The boy cleared his throat with a grin, leaning forward and placing his elbows on his knees as he prepared to start recalling the event.

"It was a dark and stormy night," he began, his voice an octave deeper than it normally was to create a creepy effect. I listened carefully as I pulled the marshmallow out of the fire and flattened it between a piece of chocolate and graham crackers. "I'd gone out on my weekly expeditions to hunt for things at campsites that humans leave behind. You'd be—you'd be very surprised..." he trailed off, gesturing around with his hand.

"And I scored some awesome finds when I heard something behind me, but when I looked there was no one there," Wyatt said slowly, trying to make the story more dramatic as I bit into my s'more. "Then I heard the sound again. It was—it was definitely something out there," he insisted. "I could tell." The boy looked to me, raising his eyebrows slightly and giving a nod as if to prove his point. "I started to run, but I could hear it gaining on me. I tripped and I fell on the ground! The creature was on top of me!" Wyatt grabbed my shoulder suddenly, making me jump. "It's jaws opened, poised to eat me!"

"Except it wasn't a creature at all," Willa grinned smugly as she cut into the story. "It was a toy he picked up at a campsite," she deadpanned, causing me to stifle a laugh.

"But believe me, it was a lot scarier in the—in the moment. You had to be there," he explained, motioning to the ground with his fingers. "Especially with the dark and stormy night." He looked to me as I stuffed the last bite of my s'more into my mouth. I gave his shoulder a squeeze.

I swallowed the food. "I'm sure it was scary...to you." My words earned me a small glare from the werewolf. I held out the marshmallow stick to him. "How about a s'more?"

"Okay, yeah. I'm glad it wasn't a monster, but what about the moonstone?" Addison tried. We looked to Wyatt as he made a face, raising his eyebrows at the two of us.

"What about it?"

"You were gonna talk about where it came from, remember?" I tapped the side of his head jokingly, but his expression didn't change.

"No, not really," he scoffed lightly, crossing one of his legs over the other. "Well, I was gonna tell you guys about it, but I got off track with my topic," he laughed, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "Oh! That reminds me of this other time. I-I lost track of time, and you see, time it's a flat circle." He reached for Addison's book and pencil, but she cut him off, slapping his hand lightly.

I furrowed my brows at him. "Time is not a flat circle. How much candy have you had?" I pressed the back of my hand to his forehead, mockingly checking the wolf to see if he had a fever. Wyatt pouted at my actions, causing me to nearly snort at his expressions. "Awe, c'mon. Don't pout." I tapped his nose, causing Wynter to laugh.

"Oh!" Addison spoke up, flipping past a few pages in her notebook. "I actually have a few questions for you, Cora." At this, the wolves perked up, most of them eager to know my answers.

"Why are your eyes blue and not gold like theirs?"

"My original pack heritage," I say simply, giving a straightforward answer unlike Wyatt.

"I heard some of the pups say you can transform into an actual wolf! Is that true?" I nodded with a small chuckle to the girl, earning a smile from her. "Okay, in books and stuff, werewolves have this telepathy thing where they can talk to each other in their minds," she emphasized, pointing to her head. "Can you do that?" The question made me look to Wynter, Willa, and Wyatt. We all broke out into laughter at the ridiculous assumption.

"No," I gasp for my breath as I try to stop laughing. "We're not from Twilight."

"Oh, my gosh! That had to do with the next question!" Addison gushed, turning back a page in her book. "Imprinting. Is that a thing?"

"Well, that's not exactly how—" My explanation is cut off by Wyatt covering my mouth with his hand. He chuckled, trying to draw attention away from the topic.

"How about the next question?"

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