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"I THINK THIS belongs to you, Alpha." Willa held out the moonstone necklace that I'd been a sharing with the pack. She reached around my neck and clipped it on. Despite me not needing the stone, I could feel a certain power and unity when I wore it. I made my eyes glow bright blue as my fangs and claws grew out. I bared my teeth slightly as the moonstone began to glow with my actions.

Willa grinned at me, pointing to the necklace. "That's how I know you belong here," she said. The werewolf pulled me into a hug that I returned. "You're gonna be one hell of an alpha, Coraline."

We pulled away from the embrace. "Thank you, Willa." The girl raised her eyebrows and glanced behind me, silently signaling for me to turn around.

A gleeful smile took over my face as Wyatt stood there with fro-yo cups in his hands. "If I remember right, you said you liked strawberry mixed with vanilla and a little bit of sprinkles." I laughed at how he remembered my specific order from when he first asked me to get fro-yo, gently taking the cup and spoon from him afterwards.

I quickly ate a spoonful of the dessert, the flavors mixing together nicely. I happily rocked on the heels of my feet as Wyatt leaned against the wall, watching my actions with an amused expression on his face as he ate his own fro-yo. I moved and copied his position, leaning against the wall next to him. I ate more spoonfuls, continually enjoying the food.

A few minutes went by. I looked down into the cup I held, noticing I only had about one bite left. I glanced to Wyatt who was licking the remaining dessert off of his spoon, earning a stifled laugh from me. I scooped up a bit of the fro-yo from my cup and turned to the unsuspecting werewolf. Raising the spoon, I pressed the frozen yogurt onto his nose, causing his expression to falter into one of shock.

"I can't believe you just did that," he said lowly, scoffing playfully.

"Believe it, wolf-boy, cause it just happened," I smirked, grabbing the empty cup from his hand and throwing both of ours in the trash can that was attached to the fro-yo cart Coach had brought.

As soon as I turned back to Wyatt, he was already there and quickly wrapped his arms around my waist and hoisted me up over his shoulder. "Wyatt! Put me down!" I laughed as the wolf ran around the den and up the stairs, not bothering to oblige to my request.

"This is what you get. You shouldn't have put fro-yo on my face," he said flatly, chuckling to himself afterwards.

"Wyatt, I'm still wearing a dress," I laughed lightly, part of my hair falling in my face as I propped my arms up against his back and rested my face in my hands.

"And it's a great dress. I like it."

"Wyatt, come on!" I giggled, hearing the boy let out a laugh of his own. He pulled me down from his shoulder and carefully set me down on the ground, helping me smooth out the length of my dress once he'd done so. He goes to fluff out the bottom of the fabric, but something catches his eye, making him stop moving.

"Are you wearing combat boots?" he asked, a small chuckle lacing his words.

I pulled my dress from his grip gently and fluffed it myself before looking to him. "Yes. Don't laugh. I can't walk in heels very well," I admitted.

Wyatt smiled, running a hand through his hair as his eyes scanned over my figure. "I didn't laugh. I think it suits you. Did I mention you look really pretty?" he compliments, a flirting tone in his voice. I roll my eyes, subtly trying to hide the blush that was slowly creeping onto my cheeks.

"You might've mentioned it before," I laughed, looking up to the boy. A cheesy smile settled on his face as he gazed down at me, carefully taking my hands into his as he did so.

"It's true," he muttered, taking a step closer to me.

Wyatt leaned down, setting his forehead against mine. I breathed in his familiar scent of pine and vanilla, the smell becoming a comforting one for me. My hands left his and trailed up his arms before resting around his neck. In turn, his hands moved to my waist, gently pulling my frame to him. Our faces were barely an inch apart, our noses touching. My eyes flickered from his gaze and to his mouth before catching him doing the same thing. Not a moment later, my eyes closed as his lips met mine.

The kiss was sweet and needing. Wyatt's hands gripped my waist a bit tighter as he pulled my body closer to him. I could feel him smile as I pressed my mouth to his, tilting my head to the right slightly as I did so.

The wolves began howling once they realized what we were doing, all celebrating and congratulating us.

I carefully pulled away and let out a small breath, a grin forming on my face as my forehead rested against his again. "Took you long enough, wolf-boy."

"It's all about timing, Cora," he teased. We both turned to see the pack and everyone standing below the balcony we were on, all cheering and clapping for us. Wyatt's arm remained around my waist as we watched them celebrate. I leaned my head back, letting out a long howl of my own as Wyatt joined in.

My gaze landed on Addison, her brows were raised as she gave me an encouraging thumbs up. Zed stood next to the cheerleader, a grin plastered on his face as he clapped.

Wynter and Willa stood next to each other, the latter enjoying some fro-yo while the former wiped a tear from her cheek before clasping her hands together. "They grow up so fast!"

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