Ch.6 The Freshman

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Ch. 6 The Freshman

Kong's P.O.V.

Today is my first day of college and to be honest, I am a little scared. I know my P's are already students here but they aren't first years so, our chances of seeing each other are not good. I sighed as I looked in the mirror and double-checked my appearance. I made sure my black tie was straight and perfect, my white shirt is wrinkle-free and tucked in and that my black slacks are form-fitting.

I walked down the stairs and greeted my P's and our helpers. My P's nodded back and I sat down at my spot before Aunty Achara brought over some eggs, bacon and a piece of toast with some orange juice. Apparently, my P's wanted an American style breakfast. I thanked Aunty Achara before I started eating. I could hear the rustling sound of P'Pha reading the newspaper and turning the pages. P'Tin was on his phone looking angry and I didn't want to know why.

"P'Tin Kha?"

"Yes?" he replied with the smile I'm used to seeing on his face again.

"Is anything wrong?"

"No. Just a fellow classmate is sick and that makes a delay in our completion for our group project due next Monday." He replied

I nod my head in understanding before continuing to eat my breakfast.

*Time Skip*

I had just finished my last class and was heading home when I heard a loud announcement.


I turned around and saw several seniors wearing red jackets and several seniors wearing the traditional uniform. I head their way and take a quick glance at them as I walk by. Each senior gave everyone an angry look and it seemed like they would be losing their patience soon.

We all filed into the gymnasium and sat down. Students from both the Engineering faculty and the Economics faculty sat together. We all started to chat with each other not knowing that our seniors were watching us and waiting for us to acknowledge them.


We all quiet down as he spoke feeling scared and confused. He continued speaking.


"Sorry P's. We didn't realize that we were being rude." said a junior who was wearing glasses.

"Did I give you permission to speak?" The same senior asked but with a slightly normal voice.

The junior shook his head. I looked at the senior and didn't like the aura he was giving off. 'Why is he being rude and mean? He reminds me of my Pa.' I thought to myself as I looked at the other seniors hoping he wouldn't pick on me for it.

"You! The one sitting in the middle about the third row looking at the other seniors." He said to me.

I turned my head and looked at him and felt like time had slowed when he demanded that I stand up and introduce myself.

"My name is Kongpob Suthliuck, student ID 0062 and a freshman of the Economics faculty," I replied feeling very nervous and scared.

"My name is P'Arthit and I will be in charge of disciplining you with the help of your seniors and my fellow hazers." He said as he looked us all in the eye before focusing back on me.

"Student 0062, what is the most important thing that a junior and senior must have between each other?" P'Arthit asked me with his authoritative voice. I was starting to shake slightly as his tone of voice was brining back flashes of memories I had been trying to forget. I took deep breaths and composed my facial expressions into one of focus and responded.


"Correct, the relationship between a junior and their senior needs respect. You may sit Student 0062." He said as he looked me in the eye before walking back to the front.

I took a deep breath and calmed myself down as he continued to talk and yell at us about not being respectful and the assignments they will give us to help us grow and strengthen our bond as juniors and seniors.

*2hrs later*

We were finally dismissed from the meeting and were told to meet back here again tomorrow at 4 pm, right after our classes and that we couldn't be late.

I let out a big sigh as I walked towards the parking lot, knowing that P'Tin is waiting for me and isn't happy that he had to wait two hours extra just to pick me up. I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into two people who were walking in the opposite direction.

I fell and landed on my butt and ended up scraping my right arm as well. I quickly got up despite my pain and helped the other two up.

"I'm so sorry that I bumped into you. It was my fault. I wasn't paying attention. I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I asked quickly while I waii to them.

"You should watch where you're going. Luckily we aren't hurt." said the shorter of the two who had dark brown hair and his face looked like an angel.

"Why are you forgiving him already? He should pay for what he did." said the black-haired guy who dusted himself off, clearly annoyed about getting dirty.

"I'm really sorry. Should we go to the infirmary?" I ask as I try to see their injuries.

"What is taking so long Kong?" P'Tin asked as he walked up to me.

"Sorry P'. I bumped into these two and wanted to make sure they were okay. I apologized but it seems only one has forgiven me." I explain as I point at both guys.

"He said sorry. That's all you need. I don't see any injuries so, move on." P'Tin said in his pissed off tone.

"P'Tin," I yelled as I quickly turned to waii at the guys.

When I turned around, I saw the black-haired one was staring at P'Tin with a weird expression while the dark brown hair guy just waii back and said it was okay.

"Sorry, for not introducing ourselves. My name is Wayo and this here is my brother P'Can." Wayo said.

"Hi, my name is Kongpob and this here is my P'Tin. Sorry for his attitude. He doesn't like talking to strangers." I said

Wayo nodded his head in understanding and then looked at his P' who was staring at P'Tin.

"Kong let's go. P'Pha is waiting for us at home." He said as he gently grabbed my left arm and pulled me towards his car.

"Sorry, I have to go. See you around campus." I said as I was pulled away.

I could see Wayo wave back and P'Can was just staring at my P'.

'What a weird guy.' I thought as I climbed in the car and buckled my seat belt before P'Tin drove home.

Okay sorry if this chapter is boring. I have been under a lot of stress because of work and some family matters came up too. I promise to make the next chapter interesting and better. I know I said I would write two chapters each for my stories but it seems my brain can only do one right now.

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