Ch.23 Kong's Been Taken

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First off I would like to thank @struggle_wind and @JoyMartinez1975 for help with writing this chapter.

I would also like to give congratz to @AmisaJoi1 for being 90% correct in who the mysterious person(s) are.

Also once again a big thanks to my readers for the nearly 5k views on this story. The next two chapters will be TinCan and PhaYo. We will see more development in their relationships and how they help each other grow.


Ch.23 Kong's Been Taken

Kong's P.O.V.

Today started off great. I was walking to the car with Arthit, P'Ohm, and P'Fluke. We were chatting about random things before separating into two cars before heading off to the mall.

I held Arthit's left hand with my right hand as he drove us there. I couldn't help but smile at him, and he smiled back. The drive ended quickly like it normally does. We got out and I took the courage to kiss Arthit on the lips in public.

At first, Arthit was frozen, because we had never kissed before. The seconds passed but only a few before Arthit kissed back. The kiss was gentle, but with love.

We would have continued kissing and maybe some other stuff too if it wasn't for P'Ohm and P'Fluke clearing their throats bringing us back to reality. We both blushed and separated because we were standing in the middle of the entrance to Hot Topic (let's just go with it).

Unknown's P.O.V.

I watched them as they went from one shop to another sometimes buying things and sometimes not. I signaled to my men to follow them at a distance so we wouldn't alert them of our presence.

We had to be very careful because two of the four had keener senses and would stop and look around trying to find us in the crowded mall. Luckily we blended in with the crowd very well.

An hour turned into two and then three before they sat down and had lunch. My men and I got a table far enough away that they even if they looked at us, we wouldn't seem suspicious. We were also close enough to hear what they were saying.

Kong's P.O.V.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

"Fluke will go with you."-P'Ohm

"Yeah, let me come with you."-P'Fluke


"Be careful."-Arthit

"I will."

I said before walking with P'Fluke to the bathroom. I did feel a little ridiculous walking to the bathroom with P'Fluke but of course, we both knew why.

We didn't have to walk far to reach the bathrooms. We both entered the bathroom and did our business. Once we finished, we were washing our hands when all of a sudden, these four men started to attack us. P'Fluke got in front of me and fought them off. I tried to help as well because I could see that it we were at a disadvantage. Luckily we were able to get away from them.

We ran out of the bathrooms and headed towards the main part of the mall. P'Fluke pulled his phone out and called P'Ohm letting him know about the situation.

We could hear the men shouting at people to move out of their way as they chased after us.

Once we got to the main part of the mall, P'Fluke grabbed my hand and pulled me to follow him to the doors with the sign 'Security Personel Only'.

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