Chapter 19 - In Need Of Therapy

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Gray? How is that possible? He wouldn't do that. He's supposed to be in Georgia. And if I'm not mistaken, it's on the other side of the damn world! Maybe I'm only imagining this. Maybe it's those fucking pills.
I try to get the memory back, but it's still the same. Gunshot, everyone running out, me knowing I was stupid to do that and the white hoodie that Gray wore. It couldn't be. I have to get out of here. I look around and all that's visible is my bed, toilet, sink and the door that was locked. Footsteps approach and I rush to get into my bed. I keep as still as possible. "Noah, Dr.Wong is ready for your session." I turn my head and nod my head. "Okay." I get up and put on the slippers that was waiting for me by the door. The woman from before leads me to an office and knocks on the door before entering.

She opens the door and leaves when I enter. "Noah. How are you." The doctor stands up and takes off his glasses. "Please, have a seat." He points at the chair in front of his desk. I take a seat and stare at him. "So, let me guess. You think you're innocent and don't belong here?" I straighten myself. "Yes! Thank you. Someone who understands." He shakes his head. "That's what everyone here says, but 99% of those people are guilty. But don't worry, I'm here to help you. So let's start from the beginning." I look at him and grin. "Beginning?" I shake my head. "Unless you've got a whole week to listen, I can't tell you ANYTHING."
"Don't worry. I'll still be here." I stare at him and think. I grin again. "Well, DR.WONG. Sit back and take notes of everything. You're going to need it." And so I ended up telling him every single thing I could remember. It took us 5 sessions and one week but we made it. I grew comfortable with him. He just sat there and listened to all my problems. How he could manage all that, I don't know.

One night after my session with Dr.Wong, two guards and that same woman who told me what happened, came into my room and woke me up. "What the hell is going on?" She walks towards me. "You're being released. Come on, I'll show you you're way out." Confused as hell was I. "What do you mean?" She helps me up and leads me out the door. "I can't tell you much but just know that someone sent us proof of you not being guilty. Some guy in a white hoodie smashed the coffins and you just stared at him like a dead corpse." Wow. "But who has it?" She ignores me.

We get to the front and my mom is waiting for me. She greets me with open arms and I reject. She's the reason I was put in here in the first place. "Can we just go, please?" She looks at me and nods. "Okay, honey." I leave the building and get inside the car. My mom stays inside and talks to the woman. She starts crying and they hug each other. She waves goodbye and comes outside. She opens the car door and we go home in silence. Well, most of the ride. "Noah, I'm sorry. You know I had no choice. Everyone was pointing fingers at you. And when you took that gun out, it made you look guilty as hell. Where did you get that gun anyway?" I look outside the window and stare at the speeding trees passing by. "Streets." She looks at me in confusion. "What? Speak up, I can't hear you." I turn my head quickly and stare at her. "I got it in the streets. I bought it." She stares at me for a moment. I can see the anger and sadness in her eyes. "Noah, look... I know that you're still hurting from North and the bomb, but it gets better. I think should see a therapist." I scoff. "Again?"

"Yes, the nurse said that you were doing so good and you were feeling better too. I think it's for the best." I shake my head. "Oh yeah, I forgot. Everything you want, I just have to follow on with. No choices given."
"Noah, please. Stop it! You're acting childish. You are going to see a therapist and that's final." I shake my head and fold my arms. I sink into the chair and look outside.

All of this started with Brooke. If only she had stayed at her old town... None of this would've happened. I could've applied to colleges by now. Oh, how my life has changed in less than a few months.

We arrive at my house and I storm inside, go upstairs and shut my door. I take out a notebook and I start to write down my feelings. My mind got lost in the writing session. This actually helps...A lot. After my anger is written on paper, I decide to write my whole story. From beginning to end. The whole night I was up and writing. It's like my mind wasn't tired for the first time in a long time. All the words and all the pain was now on paper. The next thing I see, the clock is showing that's it's 5 AM and I wrote over 300 pages. My story was far away from finished and I have a good feeling about the future. I close the two full notebooks and go to sleep. Birds chirping and fresh air coming from my open window awakens me and I go downstairs. My mom already went to work and my sister is at school. It's 10 AM and I'm alone at home with my dog. I told my mom that I'm not going back to school for a while.

I turn the tv on and, like always, there's nothing to watch. I turn the volume down and take a nap on the couch. 10 minutes in and I'm fast asleep. My eyes open slowly. Someone's at the door, banging. "Help! Please..." Wait a damn minute. That sounds like... "Gray?" I open the door and he's standing there. "What the hell are you doing here?" I examine his body. He's full of blood. He has a wound on his stomach. It kind of looks like a stab wound. "Gray! What the hell happened?" He's weak. "Please.. help me. He... he stabbed me. Please.." His voice gets weaker and moments after, he passes out and falls into my arms. I carry him to my bed and clean his wounds before he wakes up. Luckily it's not deep but it's going to need stitches and I have no idea what I'm doing. When I put my mom's vodka on his wounds, he groans and grabs my arm. "Fuck!" He looks at me. "I'm sorry, but I need to clean it. How are you feeling?" He's sweating. "I'm not that good. Listen Noah, there's something I have to tell you." I stare at him. "Gray, why did you smash those empty coffins?" He shakes his head. "I'm sorry, I had no choice. He said that If I didn't do it, he'll kill you." My heart drops and I frown in confusion. "What the hell are you talking about? Who's he?" He tries to sit up straight but I stop him. "When I landed in Georgia, I got an anonymous text saying 'Get ready for the bumpy ride.' I thought that someone sent it to me as a joke but it got worse. He sent me a video of him outside your house. He filmed you doing everything." I start to shake a bit in fear. "Oh my God! Who is it?"

"I have no idea. I know it's a guy because he laughed in one of the videos he sent me. I didn't recognize his voice. But that's not what I wanted to tell you."
He stares at me with fear. "I flew back and I caught him with a trap but he had a mask on." I swallow hardly. "Noah, he's coming to kill you. Right now."

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