4#Hoseok,Yoongi and a frogg??

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When the class ends you two sat on the room's floor alone and talked

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When the class ends you two sat on the room's floor alone and talked.

Chunhua - Waaaah I messed up!!

She brushs the sides of her head with her hands with a painful expression on her face.

(y/n) - Yeah you messed a bit,but! Look at the good side,you got his autograph!!

(y/n) - Aand he DOES talked to you,doesn't he~?

Chunhua - Maybe...you're...right.

(y/n) - Ah c'mon,It could be worse...

Chunhua - That because you was not there to see it. Oh god,I'm a shame,I was ridiculous.

(y/n) - You are thinking that what happened today was a disaster,that was not a big deal...I mean...I meet Yoongi a few years a go and I was running like a crazy person on the road,I almost got hit by a car,was he whon salved me and...you know what a kind of dumb girl would he be thinking that I am right now?!

(y/n) - Not just he but all the people that was there too.

Chunhua - Woow that was really bad.

Chunhua - ....You're right.

Chunhua - What's the moust bothering me is that...I was looking towards our first meet be so perfect...

(y/n) - It's okay,you will have another chance to make it better next time.

Chunhua - Right! I will work hard to make the next time we meet be better!

(y/n) - Yea! And I'll help you!

Chunhua - Really?!

(y/n) - I promise you.

Chunhua - Thank you (y/n)!

Both of you go to the next class,the entertainment class,you two were still walking throught the corridors quietly when suddenly you and your friend hear the sound of someone screaming. You look to Chunhua and she looks back to you frightened,that scream looked really desperated. That sound was coming from the other corridor next to where you were,so you quickly went there to check what was going on.

When you arrive there you two saw Hoseok climbing himself on the wall while Yoongi was trying to picking a big and disgusting frog up from the floor.

You two seeing the scene get choked,but in different ways.

Chunhua - OH MY GOD! It's Jung Hoseok and Min Yoongi from Bangtan Boys!! I need some water!

(y/n) - Calm down girl.

(y/n) - What's happening here,guys?!!

Hoseok - Ladys!! Help me! I have to get away from here before it's too late!

(y/n) - What? What are you talking about?

Yoongi - We found a frog on this corridor.

He lifts his head to see who were you two and his gaze meet yours directly,and you feel the intensity of his gaze that makes you be shy and look away from him.

Chunhua - A frog?

Yoongi - Yes.

He was squatted with his back turned to you two,so he got up and you could see the frog.

(y/n) - Ow it is horrible! So disgusting.

Chunhua - Yeah,and what a big one!

Suddenly it started jumping crazily everywhere on the corridor,and went strainght Hoseok's direction and junped on his leg.


He deserately gave a uncontroled kick on the frog that flew on your feet.


You started stomping the floor frenetcally with disgust of the aspect and size of it. So it go scared and tried to run away but slipped and rolled through the floor and got up again and was coming straight Chunhua.


She run away from there desperatelly with Hoseok,you tried go away from there,and started running too,but you slip and fall with your stomach on the floor.

(y/n) - Ugh!

Yoongi realized that you've falled down and quickly came here where you falled to help you to get up.

Yoongi - You're okey?!

(y/n) - Uh...yes,I think.

Yoongi - Aren't you feeling pain somewhere?

(y/n) - Yeah,just a bit,in my stomach and I think I scratched my knee too.

Yoongi - You little fool.

(y/n) - Ouch!

He picks you up in his arms.

(y/n) - Uhm!?

(y/n) - H-Hey! what are you doing?!

(y/n) - Where are you bringing me for?!

Yoongi - Calm down a bit. I'm taking you for your dorm you have to stay in bed until get better.

(y/n) - Get better?! But I have class in 5 minutes!

Yoongi - I'll tell for the teacher that you could not get there because was not feeling well.

(y/n) - What? ...But-

Yoongi - You're so careless.

Yoongi - You are a trainee now,right? You have to take care.

Yoongi - Your health is above class,practicing and be skilled. It's the moust important.

Yoongi - Got it?

(y/n) - Yes.

You two pass by Hoseok and Chunhua on the corridor.

Chunhua - What's the problem?

Yoongi - She hit her stomach on the floor and hurted herself,she needs stay in bed for a while.

Chunhua - Really? So I have to take care of her.

Yoongi - No,you go.

Yoongi - I have to go to my room and finish my work.

Chunhua - (y/n) is going to be alone?!

(y/n) - I'm not that bad,I just slipped guys.

Hoseok - I'm going to stay with her while ms.Chunhua is in the class.

(y/n) - ?!

(y/n) - But I said-

Chunhua - Great! I'm going then! Take good care of (y/n)!

Chunhua - I will say to teacher she couldn't arrive there.

She says and go to class.

The boys take you to your dorm.

(y/n) - ....

Yoongi - ....

(y/n) - ..don't need to carry me,you know...I'm not that bad...

Yoongi - I'm afraid you can brouken yourself if I let you down.

(y/n) - ..(I don't know what does he means by that but I feel a little offended.)

You inflate your cheek with a angry expecion on your face.

Yoongi lie you in the bed.

Yoongi - Now I have to go.

Yoongi - Take care of her and do not let her get up,ok Hoseok?

Hoseok - Ok,leave it to me.

So he leaves the room.

Hoseok - Just get a rest for now ms.(y/n).

(y/n) - Ok..

(I see you soon on Chapter5!!)

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