7#Will Chunhua give up?

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(y/n) - Take a breath and think about it once again

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(y/n) - Take a breath and think about it once again.

(y/n) - We can do this,it will end before we realize.

Chunhua - My heart is poudding so fast when I thing I'm going to touch them.

Chunhua - It's so hard the life of a fan.

(y/n) - We don't know if we're going to touch them or no,maybe we don't will have to. Don't think too much to suffer less.

Chunhua - Ok...

So you two change clothers and get done,and the directors say with who of the boy you will be with. Chunhua it's the girl for whon Taehyung falled for,and you the girl that JungKook falled for,consequently the girl that also Jimin and Hoseok falled too.

The first scene begins with Namjoon's scene.The girl let fall a pile of papers and Namjoon that was walking next there sees that and help her picking up it,but for a second their hands touch,and they look one in the others eyes deeply.

Chunhua - ....

(y/n) - ..

You two were watching while waiting yours scene's turn, you look at Chunhua and realize that she looks a bit bothered.

Back to the scene,that girl,get her eyes from him and quickly stand up thanking him and go hurriedly away,but he gabs one of her arms,and she looks back to his face for a while,but get off his hand from her arm,getting free and going away. And the scene end.

(y/n) - (Wow,she's really good at acting...I don't know I'm this good.)

(y/n) - (...Thinking about this I'm really worried about Chunhua...)

The next scene was Seokjin's,he was riding a bike with the girl behind him,giving a back hug on him,and in other scene they was at home,making some food thogheter at the kichen,smilling and having fun.

The next scene was Jungkook's one.

(y/n) - Oh gosh! I'm so nervous...

You whisper for yourself and Jungkook that was beside you hears.

Jungkook - It's fine,don't worry,let it to me.

Jungkook - Just pretend you have feelings for me.

(y/n) - (Oh gosh,that's not the problem,the problem is...Try not to fangirl!)

(y/n) - I'm nervous because I am going to pretend be your girlfriend and touch you!

You whisper again but he didn't hear this time.

The scene begins,you two was walking together on the street holding hands while having ice cream.You two walk laughing,when suddenly Jungkook draggs his ice cream next your mouth.You look deeply into his eyes.


Jungkook afirms with his head to you have a bite on his ice cream,you do so and smile to him as natural as possible,he laughs looking at the ice cream over your mouth,so he stops for a second and wipe it with his finguers tips.

(y/n) - (This making hard to me cotrol myself!!!Fangirl mode wanna be actived any time!)

So to end the scene his finger tip touch over your face and brush your hair until behind your ears.

The scene end and came de next,the Taehyung's one.

The scene was in the rain,the two was getting out from the rain,wainting it stops in somewhere that Chunhua neither he doesn't get wet. He stands beside Chunhua and look at she that was with crossed arms. He gives her his jacket to make her harm,and getting her in a embrace from behing,to make sure she's ok,putting his head above her and interlacing his finges between her. So arrive Namjoon in a car and call then to get in. Taehyung get his jacket over his head with Chunhua under him,to they not get wet,and got in the car.

The scene ends and the next one is Jimin's scene.

You barely say good bye for Jungkook and go straight home when Jimin apears,you wave for him and smile,but he has a serious look on his face,and drive you on the wall and press you against it. You make a look puzzled and he embraces you,getting yours wirsts grabbed on his hands.


You close your eyes hard to hide all your fangirl will,that was almost showing up,and you push him off and go away from there. To end the scene,he get his back agaisnt the wall and gradatively getting down on his feets close to the flow,with his hands on his head.

(y/n) - arg~..arg...

Chunhua - (y/n),you're ok?

(y/n) - Yeah..arg~..I think..I need..arg~..time to get myself together...right now.

Chunhua - Jimin really knows how to be wild...even though it's a scene making he's talented...

(y/n) - 'He is dangerous' I should say...

(y/n) - But he is just being the character.

The next was Yoongi scene. He was in a theather with the girl,they were in the line for buy tickets to watch the movie. He gaves she a back hug,with his chin on her shoulder,they talk and smile,when they get in the theather's room to watch the movie,they sit and eat pop corn,they feed each other kinding,and on the middle of the film,she got asleep on his shouders,and he interlace his fingers on her. The scene ends here.

The next one is Hoseok's,you had alread get yourself togheter.

You two was having a fun time playing video games togheter and watching films,laughng loud and hard,in other scene you was learning how to dance with him and Jimin,at a certainly time he brushes his fingers in your hair,playing with your hair,and Jimin sees it silently,and there the scene end.

When all the scenes finishe you all have a break for the day you get changed and Chunhua too.

(y/n) - Hey Chun-nie,are you hungry? Shall we go get some food?

Chunhua - Yeah,let's go.

(y/n) - I wanna talk a bit with y-

Taehyung - Excuse me,you two are going eat something...may I go with you too?

(y/n) - Ahm..sure!

Namjoon - May I go too?

-Author note-

Sorry if the scenes part got a bit confused.

See you next week!

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