8#Yoongi planning to make you fangirl

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(y/n) - Yeah,let's go

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(y/n) - Yeah,let's go.

You four go to the company's cafe to get food.

Taehyung - Oh man,I'm so exausted,the day was really scheduled today.

(y/n) - Wasn't it?

(y/n) - Arg..I hope I did well..

Taehyung - You did it.

(y/n) - Uhm? Really?

Namjoon - Yeah,once we passed so much time traing to get the scene perfect.

Namjoon - The girl was not qualified.

Namjoon - The president actually made a meeting with the professionals to chose the capacited people to do the scene though.

Taehyun - Yeah,and that's you two.

Taehyun - You did so well too ms. Chunhua...

He looks cutely at her.

Chunhua - Thank you.

She looks sad.

(y/n) - (I knowed,something's botlering her...)

(y/n) - I think Chun-nie is a bit exausted,she's not used with too much pression.

(y/n) - We will end the day here,end eating and let's go get some rest.

Chunhua - Sure.

Namjoon - Take good care of you health,it's the most important.

Chunua - Sure,thank you.

You all end eating and you and Chunhua get up to go to the dorm,when you and she step a bit far from them,Namjoon gab your wirst and you look back at him.

Namjoon - Take good care of her.

(y/n) - ..I will.

You give him a soft smile and folow your way.

He sits back on the chair and looks at the table.

Namjoon - this is bad...

Taehyung - What is it? about (y/n)'s friend?

Namjoon - yes.

Namjoon - She must be careful,it was the first day...if she don't have any better,she may not be able to follow with the next scenes making.

Taehyung - Don't be worried,I think (y/n) will take good care of her.

So you two came to the dorm,sat on the bed and chatted there.

(y/n) - So,are you ok? How are you feeling?

Chunhua - I'm a bit frusted.

Chunhua - I think I'm jaleous about seeing my bias with another girl...

Chunhua - I mean...His my utt bias! Hi's only mine!!

Chunhua - What she thinks she was doing to my boyfriend?!

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