19# Is something wrong with Jimin?

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Seokjin - Yes

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Seokjin - Yes.

(y/n) - When was that?!

Seokjin - When I saw my reflection for the first time.

(y/n) - Oh Jin,I was talking serious.

Seokjin - me too.

(y/n) - (He must be kidding...)

You make an annoyed expresion,but at the end you was looking at him with a smile on your lips because you love that side of him too.

You three end eating and get home,and in the midnight you go again to the dance room. You open it's door and got surprised that some one was there. That was Jimin.

He was dancing when suddenly he loses his balance and fell on the floor.

Jimin - Arg!

(y/n) - Jimin!

You run and squat yourself next to him.

(y/n) - Are you feeling well?

(y/n) - !

Jimin - ...(y/n)?

(y/n) - What happened?

(y/n) - Did you got hurt?!

You disperatly check on her legs.

Jimin - It's not that...

Jimin - It's just...

Jimin - I just lose my balance,it's all.

(y/n) - Oh thank you god! You scared me!

Jimin - Sorry.

He answer and smiles shyly.

Jimin - I was training some coreograps, I need to be perfect.

(y/n) - Oh ow...How much time you've practicing, Jimin?

He smiles.

Jimin - Maybe two hours.

(y/n) - Oh no,no,no. It's time to stop already.

(y/n) - Do not push too much of you.

Jimin - Ok~

Jimin - So, I will get going. You will stay (y/n)?

(y/n) - Yes, just for one hour.

Jimin - Okey, see you tomorrow then.

(y/n) - See you~. Have a good rest!

In the morning you hears a knock on your dorm's door,It was Jungkook and you ask him to get in.

Jungkook - Do you think you can run into that girls today?

(y/n) - Of course!

Jungkook - (She's such a fearless person...)

Jungkook - Good,the plain is the following.

Jungkook - You propositaly run into the three of then and let they start ameacing you two,and graduately and discretely,you start making her confess all her plan and what she did.

Jungkook - I will be hide recording everything,ok?

(y/n) - Ok!

Chunhua - That's a good plain!

Jungkook - Yeah,the members and I thought together about this.

Jungkook - Anyway,let's start on 4:00pm Oclock.

(y/n) - Understood! Right Chunnie?

Chunhua - Yes!

Time flies and at 3:36 you and your friend was going througth the corridors. You walk in the corridors hoping that you two could find them. With all that situation you feel your stomach full of butterflies.

(y/n) - (I must stay strong!)

(y/n) - (We're doing this to keep ours work!)

You tought with yourself while walking up and down.


Jungkook - The time is getting closer.

All of them was together in Namjoon's room. Suddenly they hear a knock on the door.

Manager - Good afternoon! I need you all together right now in the room number 253.

Jungkook - (Bad timing!)


(y/n) - They didn't send any mesage yet,I'm going to send them.

You send a mesage write "Where are you?" to Jungkook.,and a few minutes later he replies you saying "Our manager arived there. Wait a minute and don't get in trouble.","You're already there?! Get out of there now!".

You reply him saing "OK",but when you take off your eyes from you phone you saw the three girls.

You start panicking and quickly turned you back to they and started walking back but they saw and started caling and getting close to you.

Girl1 - Hey,hey you girl!

Girl1 - Stop right there!

"It's too late" you tap quickly and hide your phone.

Girl1 - Where do you think you're going to?

Jungkoook saw the mesage,they was in the way to the room.

Jungkook - Manager,it have to be now?

Jungkook - We have something really important right now.

Namjoon - Yes! We have to go to president's room right now,it's an emergence.

Yoongi - We can talk about the traveling schedule at 6:00 hour.

Manager - Did something serious happened?

Back to the corridors,that girl started insulting you.

Girl1 - Looks like the president called you recently.

Girl3 - Hahahahah!

(y/n) - ...

Girl1 - What is that,are you now afraid of us?

Meanwhile in the corridos,Jungkook was running quickly.

Jungkook - I must arrive there in time!

The other boys was running to the president's office.

Taehyung - Arg!

He gasp in tiredness

Namjoon - Quickly!

Namjoon - We have to arrive in time!

Seokjin - I shoudn't eat that much earlier,all the food is dancing in my stomach.

Seokjin - But I'm still handsome.

Yoongi - Stop it! That is no time for this!

Hoseok - HYYAAAA! For (y/n)'s sake!!

Jimin - Hurry up!

             (See you next week!)

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