5#Meeting Jungkook and Seokjin

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(y/n) -

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(y/n) - ...Hoseok...

Hoseok - Yes?

(y/n) - could you give me your autograph,please?!

You ask with sparkling eyes.

Hoseok - Sure!

You gab your notpad that was inside your bag on the floor next to your bed,and gave it to him.

Hoseok - Here you are.

(y/n) - Aaahh thank you!

Hoseok - Hahahah you're welcome!

(y/n) - Oh no,I forgot Yoongi's...I'll ask him later.

Hoseok - You are ours fan,aren't you?

(y/n) - Yes I am! Chunhua is too.

Hoseok - Chunhua? That little girl that was with you?

(y/n) - Yes!

Hoseok - So what do you two do here?

Hoseok - You are new staffs?

(y/n) - No,actually we are just trainees,we're studying about several things,dancing,singing...

Hoseok - Oh,that is great!

(y/n) - You are the best dancer that I know!

(y/n) - I wish I could dance like you...

Hoseok - Really?

Hoseok - I'm sure you can dance as well as I do. You just have to put you efforts and passion on it.

(y/n) - Right! I will do my best!

He smiles at you.

Hoseok - Looks like you know everything about me,but I know nothing about you yet.

Hoseok - What's your name?

(y/n) - (s/n) (y/n).

Hoseok - What city did you come from?

(y/n) - actually I came from US.

Hoseok - REALY?!

Hoseok - You really looks like a Korean person.

(y/n) - Yeah,a lot of people tell me that.

(y/n) - The truth is that I have no Korean traits.

Hoseok - People that doesn't knows that would think you are Korean.

Hoseok - Do you wanna joy a girl group?

(y/n) - Yeah,that's what I'm looking foward.

You two enjoy talking and neither of you two realized the time flew,and Chunhua arrives there.

In the following morning you and Chunhua was going to the BigHit cafe when both of you got lost,the company's building was huge! Then you two look for the cafe,suddenly Seokjin pooped up from nowhere on the corridor,and he see you two. He was carrying a cup of coffee on his right hand. Chunhua and you saw it and went to ask him where was the cafe.

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