16#A big mess

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Namjoon - Tell us what we can do to help you

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Namjoon - Tell us what we can do to help you...

You were not execting him so say such thing,so you got surprised.

(y/n) - W-what?

Namjoon - You look so troubled,we want to do something for you.

Jungkook - Hey! Why don't we go to a game cente?

Namjoon - Good idea,Jungkook!

Seokjin - How here is Seol,some place stay open this hour.

(y/n) - B-b-bu-!

You try to reply,with your cheeks red,you didn't found words to say.

Jungkook - (y/n), you like gaming right?

(y/n) - Y-yea-

Jimin - Alright! Let's go then!  

They didn't waited for you reply and started pulling you to out side.

You cross a few streets and arrive there,that place was huge with machines everywhere.

Yoongi - Oh,let's try that one!

Yoongi brings you to an arcade machine,then you two play together. After that Hoseok saw a dance machine and called you to dance with him. The guys got surprised watching you two dancing together,you two were so good at dancing. You guys looked having fun,smilling and laughing together.

You went to another game and another and another with the guys,in this wonderful moment you thought ''When I think the dream I had to meet and be friends with my favorite group,became true...It fulls me of hope,and energy. It looked impossible before...I loose faith,one,two,three...time...But...'' you look around at then and a sweet smile apears on your lips ''They are here with me.'' You breath out in relief and thought '' I will not give up''. 

(y/n) - (Some kinds o thing in life happens to you get better,a better person)

(y/n) - (...Strenght,hope,faith,self assuredness...)

You all get back at the building.

(y/n) - Thank you for today guys.

Namjoon - Do you think you got better somehow?

(y/n) - Yes I do. I will follow giving my best.

You said in conviction.

Hoseok - (She's so strong...)

He smiles sweetly at you.

(y/n) - Anyway...

You change the topic.

(y/n) - Sorry about trouble.

Yoongi - No trouble at all,we enjoyed playing too. Now head back to your dorm and get some rest,you need it.

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