12#What is wrong with Yoongi

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Hoseok -

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Hoseok - ...I like you,you are so kind...

(y/n) - !

Your cheeks turned red.

(y/n) - H-Hey,don't compliment me suddenly like that.

(y/n) - This way I do not know what to do,so embarrassing.

Hoseok - Hahahaha sorry.

Hoseok - But I said the truth.

(y/n) - AHHHHH~ Stop ALREAD!!

Hoseok - OH! I-Is that possible?!

(y/n) - Uhm? What are you talking about?

Hoseok - I made (y/n) fangirl for a second!?

(y/n) - What!? N-No way!

Hoseok - Righ?!No way,no way.

(y/n) - Stop messing around!

Hoseok - Hahahaha.

You can't help but smiling back looking at him.

Meanwhile on the picnic.

Chunhua - Hey Taehyun...

Taehyung - Yes?

Chunhua - How is Yeontan doing?

Taehyung - Ah, his fine,thank you for caring.

Chunhua - It is so cute...

Taehyung - Isn't it? Ah~ I miss Yeontan so much actually.

Chunhua - Where is it?

Taehyung - With my family. When I have so much work I take it to my family to they take care temporarily.

Chunhua - Oh...I see.

Jungkook,Jin and Jimin was playing some game from far way.

Taehyung - Let's join the others.

Chunhua - Right.

You two,Namjoon and Yoongi start playing with the other members in the green camp.

A little time late,Chunhua runned into a rock and falled.

Namjoon - Are you ok?

He quickly came to help her.

Chunhua - Yes,I'm ok-

Chunhua - Ouch!

Hoseok - She scratched her knee.

Namjoon - Yeah,and the toe too.

Namjoon - We need to clean it.

Seokjin - We go too.

Namjoon - No,you stay here,it won't take too long.

He stands her putting one of her harms around his neck,and Namjoon puts his hand on her back,and go straigh the house.

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