chapter 3

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Josh POV

This is fucking stupid. "Tyler please don't make me do this" I said desperately. "Just do it josh. Call him and tell him you like him." He said shrugging his shoulders. Why is he this adorable? Well here goes nothing. I picked up my phone and clicked on Brendons contact and hit call. It rang 3 times then he picked up.

"Hey Tyler what's up?" I heard Brendons voice from the other line. Fuck. "U-Uh yeah hi. Its Josh, I wanted to tell you something." I said while looking at Tyler's hopeful face. Oh god there is no going back now. "Yeah of course what is it?" Brendon asked.

"Well I have liked you for a while now and I was won-" before I could finish he cut me off. "Woah dude. Sorry but I don't swing that way. Plus I thought you said you like T-" this time I cut him off. "YEAH! Ok well I will explain later bye bro." I said quietly hanging up. I looked at tyler and saw he had a confused face.

"Wait. You don't like him? Then why did you lie? So if it's not him then who?" He asked looking down at the ground with his eyebrows knitted together. I bursted out into laughter. He looked up with a confused face.

I should just save him the trouble and tell him its him. Wait. What if that ruins our friendship? What if he doesn't like me back? Shit! I cant tell him. I dont want to loose my bestfriend over this.

"Dude, I was just fucking with you. I dont like anybody." He just rolled his eyes and playfully punched my shoulder. He then let out a small yawn and rubbed his eyes. Damn, why is he so cute?

"You tired TyTy?" I asked quietly. He nodded and laid down. I smiled and stood up to leave but he pulled on my jacket. I looked down at him and almost couldn't hold back from pouncing on him.

His shirt was slightly raised showing his slim fragile figure and his hair was a mess. To top it all off he had his lip slightly sticking out in a pouty way. I cleared my throat trying to focus on his face not his body.

"Where are you going Josh?" I smiled a little and gently pulled my hand away. I can tell he is tired because of the way he is acting. He never acts this way unless he is tired.

"I have to go and clean up the kitchen bab-uddy, buddy." Shit. I almost said baby. He just slowly nodded and closed his eyes. I smiled and turned around and headed downstairs.

Once I got down the stairs I walked into the kitchen and started to clean up the mess I made. I washed the pans I used then whent and grabbed the plates we ate off of.

After 20 minutes of cleaning I whent back upstairs to see Tyler asleep on his bed. I smiled and crawled into bed next to him. I scooted away a little bit, just in case he woke up and I was to close for comfort.

I hurd him huff so I looked over at him. He huffed again and rolled over so that he was facing me. He started to shake slightly. What the hell? Is he having a nightmare? I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him into my chest and rubbed his back.

"Shhh, it's ok TyTy. I'm here ok? Nothing is going to happen when I'm hear. I promise." I whispered into his ear. He stopped shaking a little bit, but he didn't stop completely. So I decided to sing a song I was working.

Oh miss believer my pretty sleeper.
Your twisted mind is like snow on the road. Your shaking shoulders prove that its colder. Inside your head the winter of dead. I will tell you I love you, but the muffs on your ears will cater your fears. My nose and feet are running as we start to travel through snow together we go.
We get colder as we grow older.
We will walk so much slower.

I looked down to see Tyler looking up at me with wide eyes. Fuck, how much of that did he hear. Shitshitshit. What is he knows the song is about him? What if he hates me? Oh no, I am still holding him in my arms. What if he hates me? What if he kicks me out?

"Josh...." I didn't say or do anything, I was to scared to move. "That was amazing!" He said sitting up fast. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. He smiled at me then it fell into a serious look.

"You ok Ty?" I asked sitting up so we were talking face to face. He just looked at me for a minute then said something so bizarre I thought he was going crazy.

"Let's start a band."

Oh shit!!! Its getting gooooooood. I know it started out bad so I went back and fixed a lot of things. So please enjoy.

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