In Case You Dont Live Forever

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I love ben platt's album but I dont like this chapter and i forgot that writing is also my hobby lmao
Italics are flashbacks
Tw: Suicide, drug overdose, Angsty angst, crying evan
Be careful children..


Only a few cries were heard during this sorrowful event. Those cries belonged to Cynthia, Connor's Mother and a few others who actually cared about the death and passing of Connor Murphy.
The funeral was rather dull, The only colors that were featured was black and grey.

Evan sat on his chair, He didnt shed any tears, He couldnt cry, he couldnt even speak. Everything feels numb to him. He couldnt accept the fact that Connor is gone.
Just as he was warming up to him, He was gone in a flash.

A person went up to the podium and began sharing everything they could remember about Connor Murphy. One by one people came up to the podium to share their memories of the beloved person that passed away.
Evan snapped out of his trance as Zoe nudged him. Zoe finished her turn, her eyes were red and puffy. Evan got up from his seat and fiddled with his tie.
He stood infront of the crowd of people, some had a stoic expression while some were completely losing it.

He took a deep breath and spoke into the mic. "H-hello everyone...We are here to mourn over the p-passing of Connor..." He cleared his throat. "Connor was- He was a good friend..My best friend actually, We had a-alot of great times together...He wasnt the nicest but if you get to know him he- hes actually a big sweetheart..." He glanced at Connor who was in the open casket. His skin was paler than he actually was and his eyes were closed.

"I-I decided to write a song for C-connor...with the help of his sister, Zoe and my good friend, Jared.." He glimpsed at the two, who gave him a weak smile. He nodded at the pianist as the soft melody started playing.

"You... put all your faith in my dreams, you gave me the world that i wanted. Whatd i do to deserve you.." He began as he closed his eyes. He could never forget what happened on that day.

Evan was hanging out with his friends, They chatted about random stuff but Connor wasnt there...

"I...followed your steps with my feet. I walked on the road that you started, I need you to know that I heard it, every word.." He didnt bother opening his eyes, he knew that tears will jump out the minute he opened them.

He grabbed his phone to text Connor, He was being a bit moody today, It was probably because he was high, Evan texted him telling to come over and hang out.

"Ive waited way too long to say...Everything you mean to me..."

A few minutes has passed and still no reply, Hes usually a fast replier. Some would assume he was asleep, busy, Or too lazy to text back but Evan was worrying as he sent another message.

He sucked in a breath. "In case you dont live forever..Let me tell you now, I love you more than you could ever wrap your head around..."

No matter how many messages he sent, how many voice mails he left. Connor still didnt reply, not one letter. Evan started gettong anxious as his worries got the best of him. "Like..leave a message after the beep- JARED STOP MESSING WIT- beep!" Connor's voice played for the one thousandth time.

"In case you dont live forever let me tell you the truth, Im everything that I am because of you..." the melody in the background filled the quiet place.

Then something in Evan's mind clicked. His blood ran cold by the thought of it. His irritablitiy this morning, That quick trip to the pharmacy and him not socializing with any of his friends. Its coming together, It all makes sense now...
Connor's gonna commit suicide.

"Ive carried this song in ny mind, Listening its me..but I havent helped you to hear it.."

He pushed all his friends aside as he started blasted to Connor's place leaving them in a puddle of confusion. He ran as fast as he could. He needed to stop him before its too late.

"We, We've only got so much time..In pretty sure it would kill me..If you didnt know that pieces of me are pieces of you..." tears threatened to jump out as he sang the specially made song.

He banged on Connor's room, desperately trying to get in. He screamed and shouted for him to open the door. "CONNOR! CONNOR! PLEASE COME OUT!.." The tears poured down his face as he shouted.

"Ive waited way too long to say..Everything you mean to me.." The unwanted memory kept playing in his mind and he cried every single time it played.

Connor's tears poured as he heard the banging on his door, his grip on the pill bottle tightened. He wanted to open the door..but he didnt wanna live anymore..

"In case you dont live forever let me tell you now..." genuine tears slid down his face as he tried his best to continue to sing the song.

Evan remembered the master key Connor had showed him and where he hid it. He rushed to get it, stumbling in his steps. He shoved the key into the doorknob desperately trying to get the door open.

"I love you more than you could ever wrap your head around..."

Connor panicked as he heard the keys jingle outside, He couldn't let Evan take this away from him. A few beads of sweat rolled down his face so did a few tears as he gulped down all the pills in the container.

"In case you dont live forever let me tell you the truth...Im everything that I am..because of you.." The image of Connor flashed in his mind.

Evan slammed the door open as he laid eyes on Connor who was currently on the floor, weak and pale.

"I have a hero whenever I need one.."

He rested Connor's head onto his lap as he fumbled with his phone to call 911. Connor cupped Evan's face weakly.

"I just look up to you then I see one.." his voice shook.

"C-connor..." Evan sobbed he held onto his friend, never wanting to let go. "Evan, Im so sorry..." He said, raspily. The two sobbed as they held onto one another.

"Im a man cause you taught me to be one..."

"Connor, p-please stay strong..." Evan choked out as the light in Connor's eyes began to flicker. "I would...but im not strong enough..Goodbye, evan..." he said as his eyes began to close, slowly.

"In case you dont live forever..L-let me tell you now...I l-love you more than you could ever wrap your head around.." He started sobbing heavily as the melody carried on.

"CONNOR! STAY AWAKE! PLEASE! PLEASE...CONNOR..." Evan yelled as he tried to keep Connor awake. He shook him and yelled but nothing seemed to work.

"I-in case you dont live forever let me tell you the truth im everything t-that I am.." He sang as he cried heavily throughout the song.

"I love you.." was the last thing that Connor said before his eyes were closed, and he knew they will never open up again.

"In case y-you dont live f-forever...let me tell you the tru-th..." Evan choked on a sob.

"Im so sorry, C-connor..." He hugged his lifeless body as the sound of ambulances can be heard from the distance.

"I-Im sorry but- but I cant...I m-miss him so much....Im so so s-sorry..." Evan whimpered and sobbed as he ran away from the podium.

As long as im here as I am..

"I love y-you too..."

And so are you.

The end.

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